No audio nor video in i3wm

I couldn’t make my bluetooth headphones work as in pavucontrol, the only output devices I had are speakers and headphones (unplugged). I tried installing things to solve it, but I made it worse:

$ history
  424  sudo pacman -Syu
  425  sudo pacman -Syu
  426  exit
  427  sudo pacman -S pavucontrol
  428  pavucontrol
  429  sudo pacman -S pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
  430  sudo pacman -S pulseaudio 
  431  ls .config
  432  mv ~/.config/pulse/ Downloads/pulse
  433  systemctl --user restart pulseaudio
  434  reboot
  435  diff Downloads/pulse/ .config/pulse/
  436  rm -rf .config/pulse/
  437  mv Downloads/pulse/ .config/pulse
  438  systemctl --user restart pulseaudio
  439  pactl list | grep -C2 A2DP
  440  pacmd list-cards
  441  pacmd list-sinks
  442  dmesg | grep -i bluetooth
  443  alsamixer
  444  amixer -c 0 scontrols
  445  pulseaudio -k
  446  pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover
  447  pactl
  448  sudo systemctl restart bluetooth
  449  pavucontrol --show-all-sinks
  450  pavucontrol --restart
  451  sudo pacman -S bluez-libs bluez-alsa
  452  yay -S pulseaudio-bluetooth-git
  453  yay -R pulseaudio-bluetooth-git
  454  sudo pacman -R pulseaudio-bluetooth-git
  455  sudo pacman -S bluez-libs
  456  yay -S bluez-alsa-git
  457  sudo systemctl status bluetooth
  458  pacman -Qqt
  459  pacman -Q bluez
  460  sudo hciconfig hci0 down
  461  hciconfig hci0 down
  462  reboot
  463  pacmd dump; pactl list cards
  464  pamac install manjaro-pipewire
  465  reboot
  466  sudo pacman -R manjaro-pipewire
  467  sudo pacman -R pipewire
  468  sudo pacman -Rns pipewire gst-plugin-pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-audio pipewire-pulse telegram-desktop wireplumber xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
  469  sudo pacman -Rns pipewire
  470  sudo pacman -Rns  gst-plugin-pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-audio pipewire-pulse telegram-desktop wireplumber xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-wlr
  471  sudo pacman -S pulseaudio 
  472  reboot
  473  bluetoothctl devices
  474  pactl list sinks short
  475  pactl list sinks short
  476  pactl list sinks short
  477  blueman
  478  sudo pacman -S blueman
  479  blueman-manager
  480  lxappearance
  481  history
  482  history
  483  yay -R pulseaudio-bluetooth-git
  484  sudo pacman -R pulseaudio-bluetooth-git
  485  sudo pacman -R pulseaudio-bluetooth
  486  sudo pacman -R bluez-alsa-git
  487      sudo pacman -R manjaro-pipewire
  488  sudo systemctl status bluetooth
  489  pavucontrol --restart
  490  pulseaudio --restart
  491  sudo systemctl status bluetooth
  492  sudo systemctl stop bluetooth
  493  sudo systemctl start bluetooth
  494  alsamixer
  495  sudo pacman -R pipewire
  496  alsamixer
  497  alsamixer
  498  exit
  499  xterm
  500  xprop
  501  urxvt
  502  qt5ct
  503  sudo pacman -S ffmeg
  504  sudo pacman -S ffmpeg
  505  sudo pacman -R ffmpeg

Most of these commands didn’t work, I was trying anything I saw online. The output is that audio stopped working and now, any video or audio also fails to run. I tried videos on qutebrowser, chromium, and whatsdesk, and an audio on whatsdesk.
For further information, I run in my i3-config file “exec --no-startup-id volumeicon”, but when I start using my pc, it isn’t there, but I can open it myself. Also, when I open alsamixer, I can see that the default card is pipewire now (which wasn’t before)

Hi & welcome to Manjaro. Is this a new install? I don’t have much tech expertise, so cannot help you unfortunately.

If it’s a new install, you could consider reinstalling. Also, would you consider a different windows manager? If so, I would suggest KDE or Xfce, which I would expect to give you less issues. Finally, what kernel are you using? If you have gone for a bleeding edge kernel, it might be worth trying one of the LTS kernels, just to rule that out.

Sorry I can’t be more help & welcome! :wink:


Hi Ruziel, thanks for trying to help.
No, it is not a new install, I considered reinstalling already, but it is not feasable. I’m not changing i3wm, honestly, I have used gnome, kde, xfce, and a couple more DE, but i3wm is my way to go for almost 3 years now.

$ uname -srm
Linux 6.10.13-3-MANJARO x86_64
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I believe I solved it, but I don’t know why.
I tried the following things:

$ history
  529  aplay -l
  530  alsamixer
  531  amixer -c1 sset 'Auto-Mute Mode' disabled
  532  amixer
  533  amixer -c0 sset 'Auto-Mute Mode' disabled
  534  amixer -c 0 sset 'Auto-Mute Mode' disabled
  535  aplay -l
  536  speaker-test -D hw:0,0 -c 2
  537  speaker-test -D hw:0,3 -c 2
  538  speaker-test -D hw:0,7 -c 2
  539  speaker-test -D hw:0,8 -c 2
  540  reboot
  541  alsamixer
  542  amixer --card=0
  543  rm ~/.config/pulse/*.tdb ~/.config/pulse/cookie
  544  reboot

This didn’t do anything, I believe, but it may open eyes.

What solved it was the following:

  566  sudo pacman -S volumeicon
  567  git status
  568  git diff .config/mimeapps.list
  569  git diff .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
  570  vim .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
  571  git diff .gtkrc-2.0
  572  vim .gtkrc-2.0

$ git status
On branch manjaro
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/manjaro'.
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
	modified:   .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
	modified:   .config/mimeapps.list
	modified:   .config/warp-terminal/user_preferences.json
	modified:   .gtkrc-2.0

Both git diff .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini and git diff .config/gtk-3.0/.gtkrc-2.0 had the following lines:


Returning to Papirus-Dark-Maia solved it, but I have no idea why. However it didn’t solve the bluetooth output problem, and vlc video stopped working.


I’m glad to see you managed to solve that one. Go well on Manjaro! R

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