NIC teaming KDE

I have 2 wifi nic’s and I’m trying to use teaming to increase my bandwidth. Does anyone have a walk through on proper configuration? I am using network manager GUI in KDE and I think that I have it configured properly but it hangs at setting network address.

Any known tips/tricks/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Something like this is called bonding of network interfaces in the Linux world. There is no teaming.

NetworkManager can create and use bond devices. Keep in mind that you have two layers you need to worry abound while using Wifi. There is the Ethernet part, which can be easily handled by NM. But you also have need to configure the wifi devices to securely connect to the access point. I’m not sure if NM can do that. You might need to do it manually or with services.

The easily solution is probably systemd-networkd, but no GUI. This is an example, you can use two wifi devices if you want. Do not use mode “active-backup”, see this for more options.


There is an option in the net manager GUI for teaming. I just can’t get the team to connect once I build it.