NFS vs KDE Connect


I just setup NFS so I can easily copy files from my Manjaro Laptop to my Ubuntu Plex Server.

Though I was wondering - could/should I have just used KDE Connect instead?

Any pros/cons to either - how about speed (wireless network only on each device)

I havenā€™t used NFS myself (yet) but it migh be more reliable than KDE Connect; Iā€™ve had issues where machines donā€™t ā€œseeā€ the others properly from time to time, for example.

Speed-wise I donā€™t think there will be much in it. Only way to find out is by sending the same file(s) several times with each connection method.

afaik KDE Connect is a complete different use-case.
Itā€™s for sharing, control, etc. with other devices like your phone.
Itā€™s not for sharing storage devices of networksā€¦

I use SFTP for sharing files with my NAS.

The OP just wants to copy files to the server, which is generally fine and Iā€™ve found it pretty quick.

Itā€™s also handy in my case to get the notification pop up on the target machine. No idea how an Ubuntu Plex Server handles that sort of thing though.

I use Warpinator to transfer files between my PC & Laptopā€¦
I love how easy everything works.

But no idea if this works with a Ubuntu Plex Server.

KDE Connect covers a lot more use cases, but still works over wi-fi networks.

The difference is that for devices to be able to communicate, KDE Connect requires to run on all, while NFS usually has built-in support without additional apps.

Speed in general will be bottlenecked by your router, AFAIK neither implements stream compression.

No. KDE Connect is another use case - and not very stable.

Using NFS is a native *nix communication protocol and it is as fast or slow as any other fileservice depending on the network and serverā€™s hardware and the configuration.

Every filesharing method as proā€™s and conā€™s and requires different levels of knowledge when it comes to setting it up and securing the service.


I currently use KDE Connect between 3 laptops and 4 devices (3 android, 1 ios). For the most part it works ok.

But - yes - they often ā€˜disconnectā€™ and I have to repair them.

For my plex server - that wouldnā€™t work as I donā€™t have it on a display ā€¦

Outside that - sending files/clipboard, etal - works very well with KDE - big fan.

However - now that NFS is working for me - Iā€™m good

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I know KDE Connect file transferring is horrid, so I looked to see how they send it.

It uses SFTP, not to be confused with FTPS. This is the protocol scp uses, for transferring files over SSH. (:face_vomiting:)

On my network, NFS is over 25x faster. And provides the functionality as if itā€™s local. There is no contention on which one is better.

Great information - thanks!