Newly Manjaro install came with kernel 6.5.13 and I cannot update

Not sure why new manjaro install comes with this kernel it is reaching EOL (or so i’ve been told).

I tried using Manjaro Settings manager to get 6.6 LTS but I got the following error

error: failed retrieving file 'linux66-6.6.7-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst.sig' from : The requested URL returned error: 404
warning: failed to retrieve some files

Which image is that? Plasma, XFCE and GNOME all have 6.6.

As for your error; refresh/change mirrors.

It does not. The latest Manjaro ISO comes with Linux 6.6 so the ISO you are using is an old ISO.

ISO was build December 14. and refreshed on December 15. 2023.

You can get a new ISO by

This is mirror / metadata related

Please run

sudo pacman-mirrors --continent
sudo pacman -Syu
mhwd-kernel -i linux66

It’s XFCE. I installed it maybe 2-3 weeks ago or so.

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