New Raspberry Pi Kernels & Related Packages

The latest kernel/kernel headers and the 2 latest raspberrypi-bootloader packages has been pushed to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync.

The 2 new raspberrypi-bootloader packages has a ton of changes:

linux-rpi4 5.10.42-1
linux-rpi4-headers 5.10.42-1
linux-rpi4-mainline 5.12.9-1
linux-rpi4-mainline-headers 5.12.9-1
raspberrypi-bootloader 20210608-1
raspberrypi-bootloader-x 20210608-1
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vlc can not play sup subtitle.
switch to mpvā€¦no audio.

Using xfce here and I am not seeing any of these issues with the latest kernel so I do not believe they are kernel issues as per this thread. Try converting sup to srt. I do not have any sup subtitles here to test but mpv audio works just fine.

sorry, guess it was Pi4 related thread.

The latest kernels/kernel headers has been pushed to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync.

Nothing new yet with the raspberrypi-bootloader packages.

linux-rpi4 5.10.43-1
linux-rpi4-headers 5.10.43-1
linux-rpi4-mainline 5.12.10-1
linux-rpi4-mainline-headers 5.12.10-1

The latest kernel/kernel headers and rpi-eeprom packages has been pushed to the unstable branch when the mirrors sync.

A minor upgrade with the rpi-eeprom package involving ā€œbetaā€ (no changes else where):

Nothing new yet with the raspberrypi-bootloader packages.

linux-rpi4 5.10.44-1
linux-rpi4 headers-5.10.44-1
rpi-eeprom 20210611-1

yea, that just broke dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d, left me with a frozen cursor on a gray desktop.
switched to dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d & was able to boot.

iā€™m using sway on a rpi400.

I used fkms (because my vizio tv will not boot kms) and my pi4 when I tested the new kernel. I just now hooked up my gateway monitor and my pi 400 and changed the config.txt to boot kms and all is good with xfce.

At this point I do not know if it is your DE or some new code changes which affects your monitor or a combination of all of the above.

let me try your settings & get back to you, hereā€™s what i have currently.

Looks like you had it configured for kodi.

yes, i played with it. it runs good with those settings so i been using it on the desktop.

no luck, gray screen

heres the settings i just used but with kms.

I will keep an eye out on the issues on the kernel tree with the new kernel. The Pi OS uses fkms in their image bt default and that is all I can use on my vizio tv because of it not providing the right edid info. I have no issue with fkms. From what I understand is fkms is their brain child and it uses their firmware but kms bypasses their firmware and uses what the kernel provides.

yea, there kms is still pretty young. iā€™ll watch over there see if anything about it comes up.
i donā€™t like to ask, cause they got a thing about other osā€™s than raspberry.
i used the 64bit raspberry to fix the config.txt, itā€™s my backup os. :laughing:

I totally understand. I walk on pins and needles with them. I only open issues with their kernel but before that I compile their kernel to verify the issue is still there. I use their defconfig for a base though but add extra modules for things people want here.

exactly, i prefer to roll up my sleeve & fix it myself.
i turned off ā€˜quiet splashā€™ see if i could spot anything, in journalctl i see 2 kernel blips about shared memory.

itā€™s something with sway, booting to cli is fine, as soon as i execute sway, gray screen with cursor no response from mouse or keyboard.

i toasted my install, got to start over.

I stumbled upon a package called connman. It has some appeal, so I may mess around with it. But in the Arch wiki on connman, I find this concerning the use of iwd verses wpa_supplicant:

"... the ping times seem to be much more consistent and the connection seems to be more reliable."

@Darksky do you have any thoughts on that?

I messed around with replacing wpa_supplicant with iwd a little while back. Back when it had the issue of hanging on reboot. I changed back, when the issue was fixed. iwd worked well enough but I did not know of a compelling reason to stick with it. But if it helps with better wifi connections, that might be enough of a reason.

Edit: I have since learned that both the connman and iwd projects are by Intel. So maybe that is more of a bias, than a real difference.

the minimal install is cli, it uses iwd for wifi connection.
when i build up i use the minimal, then:

iwctl --passphrase passphrase station device connect SSID

then i can the install whatever wm or desktop i want to play with.
the last time i did a minimal build, i did jwm, firefox & used lxterminal to run mc as the file manager & editor. fun times.

once you setup iwd, your done you donā€™t need a network manager, you can if you want, like for example you can set iwd as the back end for network manager.

in sway we use network managerā€™s cli interface nmtui.