New Monitor keeps flickering (just under Manjaro)

Whats a packman ui?

I just manually checked the updates and there it was.

The package manager for manjaro ā€œpacmanā€ (UI = User Interface).

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Whatā€™s a packman? :thinking:

ā€¦is Pamac. :wink:

The GUI appears in oneā€™s menu as Add/Remove Software.

Pacman is CLI only.

silly me, I was always associating packman with the console command rather than the package manager :stuck_out_tongue:

The UI is the important part for me in Linux, without that I am lost :slight_smile: because I couldnā€™t remember all the commands even if I wanted to.

There you go againā€¦

I always do this failure, pacman vs pamac, i will never get this right :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Same here, this is why i have all the neccessary Terminal Commands in my .txt files and can easy copy+paste them in Terminalā€¦

If you want i can copy+paste them here for you.

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