New installation does not boot up

installed the latest xfce version, using the erase disk selection.

all went well, however computer does not boot up.
mount: /new root cannot find UUID=bof37ie88416688c8cf63b1da48a6
you are now being dropped to an emergency shell.
sh: cannot access tty: job control turned off
frootfs 1#
what should i do please ?

@nals Looks like you didn’t erase everything… correct the UUID in /etc/fstab. You can find the correct UUID with blkid.

megavolt, thank you for your suggestion.

however, this is the first time using an arch distro and am pretty clueless about exact terminal commands… can you give me more basic instructions please.

you mean boot in via live disk, then correct this ?

thank you

made some progress.

booted with live cd.
blkid shows
/dev/nvme0n1p1: UUID=“C9B3-A53F” TYPE=“vfat” PARTUUID=“c4cf2721-db47-b74a-a43a-5f312cd58030”
/dev/nvme0n1p2: UUID=“8b0f9037-1e88-416b-88c8-cf63b1da48a6” TYPE=“ext4” PARTUUID=“6f34697a-e8d1-ad40-a629-2eb9faecb2ef”
/dev/nvme0n1p3: UUID=“1a6ea422-4265-4b24-b002-2804f1bfdc1f” TYPE=“ext4” PARTUUID=“462594e8-5e9f-6948-9f3e-11e6a3d157f7”
/dev/sda1: UUID=“2021-01-03-18-37-02-00” LABEL=“Linux Mint 20.1 Xfce 64-bit” TYPE=“iso9660” PTUUID=“3e172ebe” PTTYPE=“dos” PARTUUID=“3e172ebe-01”
in/etc/fstab file is completely empty. do i paste the above into it ?

thank you


Hello @nals :wink: I didn’t see that you wrote to me. Just write “@” and the username to poke user otherwise I will not be notified.

Completely empty? Then there is something wrong…

Just in case you read it, here is an example of the fstab:

# root??
UUID=8b0f9037-1e88-416b-88c8-cf63b1da48a6 / ext4  defaults,noatime 0 1
# home???
UUID=1a6ea422-4265-4b24-b002-2804f1bfdc1f /home ext4  defaults,noatime 0 1