New computer with GNOME and printer issues

I setup a new computer with GNOME.
After installation I checked that CUPS is installed.

I tried to add the CUPS-PDF printer, it is show when I select “add new printer”, but I’m not able to add it.

Bildschirmfoto vom 2022-08-12 07-13-14


Btw. what is the best driver for Canon Maxify MB2750.


Do you have the cups-pdf package installed?

Well you can get the driver yourself from here: MAXIFY MB2750 - Support - Download drivers, software and manuals - Canon Deutschland

But if you want to automate the installation and create a native package you need this PKGBUILD: AUR (en) - cnijfilter2

pamac build cnijfilter2

That must be the all-in-one driver.