Networks widget showing empty

Suddenly, networks widget started showing empty, even all network connections are correctly listed in Settings / WiFi & Networking:

Restarting NetworkManager.service doesn’t help. I guess logout/login would help, but I can’t check it right now.

I’m using latest KDE Plasma 6.2.4. I never noticed this before on 6.1 or older Plasma versions.

Blindly assuming you’re not wired… Pin the plasmoid, and then try these in your terminal:


  • Enable WiFi: nmcli radio wifi on
  • Disable WiFi: nmcli radio wifi off
  • Check WiFi status: nmcli radio wifi

Empty widget is same for wired and wifi active connection.

Few hours ago I was on my work on wired connection, when this screenshot was taken. Now I’m on wifi, and widget is still empty.

I can’t logout because bunch of applications and terminals for my workflow is open :slight_smile:

And btw, nmcli didn’t help:

  ~ 
❯ nmcli radio wifi

  ~ 
❯ nmcli radio wifi off

  ~ 
❯ nmcli radio wifi on 

  ~ 
❯ nmcli radio wifi

Funny thing, now I noticed even title bar with widget controls also disappeared, not only for network widget, but for all widgets in sys tray (notifications, sound, bluetooth…):

Please update us once you have been able to reboot your machine.


Restarting Plasma helped:

kquitapp5 plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell
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