Network Manager and Broadcast

It doesn’t do that. Those commands mask those services, so they can no longer be used.

Thank you for your help today. I had some bridge connections on my old macbook bro 2018/19 and then also this imac but I have a odd habit of deleting all connections once i purchase a new computer same with my phone which all were brand new except the iMac. Life is better with a reset

Hi is there another network manager, it keeps coming up as a client instead of just a normal network manager. I am considering abandoning Manjaro at this point. Even the package manager.

Um, I don’t see what the problem is…? :thinking:

Your computer is a network client, isn’t it?

I don’t have to select client for other distros, just my wifi, and It doesn’t have a broadcast IP address. Considering iPhone and android tools came installed on default, I think I have a slight idea what Manjaro really is.

All TCP/IP networks have a broadcast address. That’s just how TCP/IP works.

No, to be honest, I think you really don’t know that at all. You appear to have some weird conceptions regarding networking.

Hi, BSSID is what? How come android tools and ios tools came on default install.

I don’t want to be a node, I just want my own pc connection to just my Wi-Fi without a piggy off. Whoever it is trying to hack a bank, do I contact the FBI since your distro won’t help. If block SSH, they react by disabling the network manager. It’s really unusual for a distribution. With Pantheon you could just use your firewall to block the broadcast IP. The package manager doesn’t install programs its corrupted and I can’t remove it because it’s tied to xdg.

The OS is great but the dependencies and network manager is similar to KDE we are being broadcasted and backdoored without even knowing.

Do you even know what a node is? :roll_eyes:

If you don’t want it to be a node then you should disable all networking. A node is simply one of the computers in a network.

I sincerely doubt that. All we have to go on in that regard is your claim that it would be so, right next to your ostensible demonstration of complete ignorance on account of the most basic principles regarding networking. In other words, your claim sounds about as credible as a USD $3 bill.

You obviously do not understand, and at this point, I am starting to wonder whether someone like you should be using GNU/Linux — or for that matter, any computer at all.

It can only do that when your computer is connected to the network, unless you downloaded all packages to local storage before you severed the network connection.

I sincerely doubt that you would even know what XDG really is. :roll_eyes:

Besides, if you’re going to remove your package manager, then how are you ever going to keep your system updated?

Now you are being beyond ridiculous. :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:

I probably am spoiled coming from Windows and Mac. Never had to worry about intrusions or remote control access etc. I have deleted a few Sun RPC files in dev and bin so instead of talking down like I don’t know anything maybe download your recent release and install it to see what your users are experiencing. The first time I visited Manjaro website, Firefox called it malware. I said Na and took the plunge anyway. Lockdown mode on iPhone later I can understand why! Can you see why it was important to get rid of Bluetooth first and foremost and network probing tools etc. I have cameras in my house. I also found tokens similar to what banks use. I am in law enforcement, dont want to be framed.

I am on a newer Kernel which helped alot. Broadcast address other than my actual IP so it would be someone with system level knowledge and using SSH that would be able to connect with that IP. My router has a fixed IP address. When I connect in MacOS i just select my wifi right. Broadcast is what it simply is a Broadcast.

Using linux is not by choice unfortunately I am using an older imac that has a root vulnerability so I need and OS that is secure. Without bluetooth my phone stopped going off randomly on its own. I know you guys work alot but honestly its a national security issue.

You are being ridiculous. I don’t have to download anything because Manjaro is a rolling-release distribution, and if you keep your system updated then you are on par with the latest release. The installer images are only snapshots, so as to allow one to install the system without having to immediately run an update process.

As for the files in /dev, they are not actual files on disk. /dev is a filesystem that runs in virtual memory, and the files inside of it are merely abstractions of your hardware. In UNIX, everything is regarded as a file that can be read from or written to. Anything you delete in /dev is going to be recreated again by the kernel and the device manager upon the next boot anyway.

Bluetooth is a very short-range protocol. Nobody can break into your system via Bluetooth unless they’re sitting on your lap.

You’re not making any sense at all. Besides, nobody can log into your computer via ssh because you have disabled and blocked ssh.

That must be the joke of the year. Both of those systems contain built-in backdoors that allow either Microsoft or Apple to install software on your system or remove software from it without your consent.

I’m not talking down on you, but it has by now unfortunately become abundantly clear that you don’t understand first thing about how computers work, about networking, and about GNU/Linux systems.

The way you talk about what you perceive to be going on at your computer and how you “remedied that” is exactly the same kind of gibberish that those so-called hackers in Hollywood movies spit out, because whoever wrote the script knows that the vast majority of the viewers won’t understand anyway.

There isn’t a shred of realism in anything you’ve said so far, and you are wasting people’s time — and particularly mine — with your persistence at paranoid delusion and ignorance.

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

I’m closing and unlisting this thread. It’s going nowhere, and I think we’ve already arrived at that destination.

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