Need help with manjaro-tools

i need a small clarification
as per the archiso documentation:-
as superuser running
mkarchiso -v -w /path/to/work_dir -o /path/to/out_dir /path/to/profile/

makes the iso …
but when i run the same command as:-

mkarchiso -v -w ./work -o ./out ./releng/

it dosen’t work but throws me an error

[mkarchiso] ERROR: Invalid command name './releng/'

Whar can be done to resolve it

This is not Arch support forum but as a one time favor …

Did you install the packages archiso and arch-install-scripts?

When you copy the releng profile to your home - use the script inside the releng folder.

Your packagelist is packages.x86_64 - your customizations go inside airootfs.

i did both of them
(ps there is an issue in the arch foru while posting , a bug that s why i asked here sorry)

but still i get the same error, the command not found error, lemme send a screenshot of the full error

don’t post screenshots - post the text - I can’t read a screen but text I can.

paste the text - select the text - click the code format button - looks like </>

[mkarchiso] ERROR: Invalid command name './releng/'

usage mkarchiso [options] command <command options>
 general options:
    -p PACKAGE(S)    Package(s) to install, can be used multiple times
    -r <command>     Run <command> inside airootfs
    -C <file>        Config file for pacman.
                     Default: '/etc/pacman.conf'
    -L <label>       Set a label for the disk
                     Default: 'ARCH_202104'
    -P <publisher>   Set a publisher for the disk
                     Default: 'Arch Linux <>'
    -A <application> Set an application name for the disk
                     Default: 'Arch Linux Live/Rescue CD'
    -D <install_dir> Set an install_dir. All files will by located here.
                     Default: 'arch'
                     NOTE: Max 8 characters, use only [a-z0-9]
    -w <work_dir>    Set the working directory
                     Default: './work'
    -o <out_dir>     Set the output directory
                     Default: './out'
    -s <sfs_mode>    Set SquashFS image mode (img or sfs)
                     img: prepare airootfs.sfs for dm-snapshot usage
                     sfs: prepare airootfs.sfs for overlayfs usage
                     Default: sfs
    -c <comp_type>   Set SquashFS compression type (gzip, lzma, lzo, xz, zstd)
                     Default: 'xz'
    -v               Enable verbose output
    -h               This message
      Make base layout and install base group
      Install all specified packages (-p)
      run command specified by -r
      build all images
      make a pkglist.txt of packages installed on airootfs
   iso <image name>
      build an iso image from the working dir
./ Error on line 243: mkarchiso -v -w ./work -o ./out ./releng/

but this is how the command structure is as per documentation, i verified it twice

This is why i feel archiso is a bit buggy

I have create a script to launch the script

echo "cleaning work folders (./work ./out)"
rm  -rf work out
iso_label="norse-nix_$(date +%Y%m%d)"
./ -N 'Norse Nix' -L "${iso_label}" -P 'Norse Nix <>' -A 'Norse Nix Live ISO/Rescue'

sure i will try it
lets hope the best

sudo sh
cleaning work folders (./work ./out) line 5: ./ No such file or directory

i guess i need to replace the name with in the file

let me send me directory structure

build-instructions.txt  efiboot  etc  opt  packages.x86_64  pacman.conf  releng  syslinux  usr

I know why you are having an issue on Arch forum - you are not experienced user - you are just pretending.

I am out … have a nice day.