Need help editing a conky (hybrid: back-to-basic)

Hello again everybody,
I found this classic conky: Hybrid Back To Basic -

I am editing it and wanted to add the time and the temperature of my AMD GPU.


sensors | grep edge | cut -c16-17

the current temperature of my GPU in ° Celsius.

Same for:
/opt/rocm-6.3.1/bin/amd-smi metric --temperature | grep "EDGE" | cut -c15-17 57

However the conky doesn’t.

In the conky, there is monitor for nvidia:

${if_match "${nvidia temp}" != ""}\
${voffset -17}${goto 140}\
${font NotoSans:style=Bold:size=9}GPU - ${font NotoSans:size=9}\
${if_match ${nvidia temp} <= 75}${color}${else}${if_match ${nvidia temp} > 90}${color4}${else}${if_match ${nvidia temp} > 75}${color3}${endif}${endif}${endif}\
${nvidia temp}°C ${color}

and I want to edit it:

${if_match "${sensors | grep edge | cut -c16-17}" != ""}\
${voffset -17}${goto 140}\
${font NotoSans:style=Bold:size=9}GPU ${font NotoSans:size=9}\
${if_match ${sensors | grep edge | cut -c16-17} <= 75}${color}${else}${if_match ${sensors | grep edge | cut -c16-17} > 90}${color4}${else}${if_match ${sensors | grep edge | cut -c16-17} > 75}${color3}${endif}${endif}${endif}\
${sensors | grep edge | cut -c16-17}°C ${color}

The additional “date” line for the current time I put in is:
${goto 300}${font NotoSans:size=10}${date +%R}

Ok I figured the time part using

${goto 300}${font NotoSans:size=10}${execi 1 date +%R}

OK ok execi did the trick, also for the GPU challenge.
I’ll leave this here in case anyone will find it, and to be useful. Peace.

It will return 59x the same result before it changes. Save resources:
execi 60

So if I’m unlucky here, my clock runs almost a minute late as well…? 5sec is acceptable though, thanks!

Just noticed your 128Gb Ram…
I’m on crappy hardware; need my conky to keep an eye on temps and resources without gobbling cpu/ram. Hence:
update_interval = 5

For your AMD GPU temps try this.

Are you really on EOL kernel 6.8 or is this hard coded in your conkyrc? Should be:

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Yeah after maxing out my hardware last year I switched to Mint for the support of the closed-source Amdgpu driver. Plasma 5.27.11 on top of Cinnamon, which I don’t use.
I set conky to update_interval = 1.5,
8GB RAM suffice for my Plasma 6 2012 laptop.

The wiki here is great, which is where I found the execi-trick

What does that even mean?
amdgpu is open source.
amdgpu-pro is the proprietary bits … and not usually desirable.
And both are available on Arch/Manjaro.

In any case if you are a Mint user then their forum is over here:

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I meant this 1 in combination with the Rocm drivers.
Anyway I meant to stay at Plasma 5 as well until mouse gestures and an Onboard screen-keyboard become available on 6, for that reason too.
And I always loved this forum :wink:

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