My windows installation ran smoother than my Manjaro does now

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Almost. Don’t quote terminal output. :wink:

Your BIOS is from 7 years ago.

MSI website is garbage, and the specifications dont list a motherboard, but the only product that got hits for this mobo was

I dunno, good luck.

to be specific, it is about this product:

Might updating the bios help?
I though that bios version would not be impactful on computer performance.
Since the risk for bricking I tend towards not updating it.

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This is a weird continual concept from some people on the interwebs.

There are numerous reasons, including component compatibility, security, and yes performance, to keep your BIOS updated.

Usually you would be able to see such update notes, but again their website is trash, so they dont provide that information.

The fact is that BIOS was released only a few months after that GPU was manufactured, a single month after the CPU, who knows for the rest of devices, and still is fundamentally older than what is available and still over 7 years old.

I guess the BIOS is ‘scary’ … and its true that doing something wrong with it could actually brick your device. But also its sort of required if you want to continue using your device with modern pieces (both hard and soft ware), a good idea in general, and should be relatively safe if you follow the correct procedures … its from the manufacturer after all - if anything was ‘supposed’ to run on that machine it would be the provided BIOS.

Not in 8vs8 and someone used T1 Bot spamm with 5k Units on the battlefield :wink:

Im a BAR player too btw :slight_smile:

Welcome to the community.

I had experienced the same kind of problem, as i joind Manjaro 3 years ago as i switched from Win7 to Manjaro/KDE.

In my case, i had used some desktop effects and after i switched Theme under System Settings>Appearance i saw there was a little performance issue, when i drag a window to the corners to pin them… so i changed some stuff and my problems vanished…

I also can recommend some transparancy/blurry effects too… it looks so beautiful.

I don’t use Virtual Desktop and disabled all widgets, maybe your issue is related to that too.

I have a Skylake 6700k+2080Ti besides the GPU our systems are pretty close and my KDE Desktop runs really smooth.

While a Bios Update “could” help if your Bios has Hardware compatibility issue,
don’t update your Bios if you don’t have to or if there isn’t a big vulnerability.

While i recommend to look at the newest bios to see what are the fixes after sometime,
to create your own overview there is nothing wrong with it.

On the other hand there is a very high chance, that a Bios update don’t help with your issue at all.

The biggest reason to update your Bios when there is a IMEI (Intel Manager Engine Interface) Update, because is the backdoor/remote access for probably the NSA, but official for Intel :wink:

I repeated to @cscs in the past, don’t recomment to everyone to update there Bios… if there is one mistake happening while flashing your Motherboard, your board is destroyed and thats it… for what reason?

There is also a clear Warning in every MB Vendors Website, that you shouldn’t flash your Bios if you dont have issues.

I don’t see how is this helping new Linux users, to kill their PC’s for a possible new Bios Update when there is no need at all, only to have a good feeling to see a newer Bios Date when booting? :man_shrugging:

If you still has issue and nothing help you can also check in System Settings>Display Monitor>Compositor

check Compositor
uncheck allow application to block compositing
Latency: force smoothest animations

And restart your system… if this also not helping there is also nvidia xserver,
im not sure if this settings for 3D Gaming or also helping for the Desktop, but you maybe
want to try it.

X-Server Display Configuration:
Advanced: Force Full Composition Pipeline Enable
Save: /etc/X11/mhwd.d/nvidia.conf

Not sure if a restart is required here.

Wasnt it you who needed to at some point, resisted, but it was eventually the fix?

IDK, maybe I’m just remembering you because you are one of the few people posting about how people should … not do their bios updates? what is this insanity?

I … dont think I will even expound more, but heres a recent random example.

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I have no idea what you talking about… i think you mistaken me with another person.
As i wrote in my response here, i repeated this informationen in the past to you… and as far i remember was your response “you only mentionend him the old bios version”. But with the hiden message that he should update his Bios.

But im open to talk about it… i don’t mind to proofen wrong… at the end of the day,
i don’t have nothing against Bios Updates… it can help in some situations.

It could even help (with a low chance) this Topic creator, but i think a bios update shouldn’t be the first step when some issue occurred, thats all.

I think its our responsibility, when we recommend to anyone to flash their bios to make clear there isn’t only Pro’s but also the big Con (broken Motherboard), specially when the MB isn’t the newest Gen and don’t have the recovery function to update the Bios (i don’t remember the feature) when the USB Stick with the Firmware is inserted at the special USB Slot to automatically Flash the Bios even without a installed CPU.

In this cases, with the mentionend function… there is nothing to say against Flashing till the doctor called :wink:

I just found the 16days old topic, where i was talking to you about this situation Topic still unsolved:

Again, I think you mistaken me.

I used to use that too in my /etc/X11/mhwd.d/nvidia.conf together with /etc/profile.d/ i created containing the export KWIN_TRIPLE_BUFFER=1 … but i no longer recommend that.
Also the

is not needed anymore. It used to help in some situations on some systems.

You only need
inside /etc/default/grub and if you use /etc/mkinitcpio.conf instead of dracut then you might check if you have kms part in the HOOKS line like this.
HOOKS=(base systemd autodetect modconf kms keyboard keymap block filesystems)

You could also test disabling KDEs compositor.
I did it via Gamemode. So if you want to do the same, type in terminal: sudo pacman -S gamemode
It should place a gamemode.ini in your homefolder, open it. Go to Custom heading. Paste this in:
start=qdbus org.kde.KWin /Compositor org.kde.kwin.Compositing.suspend
end=qdbus org.kde.KWin /Compositor org.kde.kwin.Compositing.resume
Edit launch options for Steam games with following: gamemoderun %command%

Also make sure KDE allows disabling it. Go to System Settings → Display and Monitor → Compositor.
Make sure “Allow apps to block comp…” is ticked.

Now, everytime you launch a game with gamemode enabled, it will automatically disable compositor. And once you quit the game, compositor is turned on again.

Here is the resource I used: https ://

I was faster :stuck_out_tongue:

Wait you want him to block it, okay you may get a few extra fps while gaming (but he don’t have fps issue in games, but performance issue on the desktop, you missing his problem) from it with the sidegrade to archive random heavily distorted KDE desktop, atleast with a nvidia card this option is cursed.

I had in the past a KDE Desktop that looks like a broken Matrix movie after closing the games… windows like dolphin browser which turned upsite down and stuff like that…

Maybe this option is recommend for AMD GPU’s? I dont know…

MSI Aegis 3 support shows latest BIOS v860 released 2018-01-04 is to update IMEI:

Update Intel ME to for Security Vulnerabilities

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Then green light for flashing Bios, i would say :wink:

I disable compositor to avoid stutter etc. I wouldn’t know if it has an FPS difference.
And I also run ‘Force lowest latency’.
If something gets messed up on the desktop, it doesn’t happen every time. My uptime is 7-10 days generally. I don’t reboot, I don’t shutdown, system goes to sleep for a couple hours. Maybe. By the 7th or 10th day, I have other issues. It is why I reboot.
If something on the desktop is upside down, IIRC, to fix it you close the program and restart it. Restarting Dolphin or a browser isn’t the end of the world.


Could be…
I have zero knowledge about this.
There for I always choose Manjaro and not arche, because the installation chooses/makes the partition scheme for you.
Might be have been not the right one for some reason? I don’t know.

I do have to tell you that the intel ssd drive is broken and unusable.
There for unallocated and not in use by the system.
Still have to remove it physically.
But I thought it wouldn’t matter that much if the software doesn’t use it.

This is wat kparted shows:

Intel broken ssd

7200 rpm hdd

5400 rpm hdd


I will look into it.


thanks for the suggestion.
I have applied GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="nvidia-drm.modeset=1"

But the stutter persists.
I’ve come to the conclusion that maybe the problem is KDE it self?

unoptimized or my hard not being to old.

Atleast the games run very smooth. Thats the most important xD

Is the Compositor enabled in KDE Plasma System settings?

In some situations disabling composition pipeline in nvidia-settings might help. Also, just noticed that you do not have this last lines in your nvidia.conf file, at the bottom:

Section "Extensions"
    Option         "COMPOSITE" "Enable"

Section "InputClass"
    Identifier          "Keyboard Defaults"
    MatchIsKeyboard        "yes"
    Option              "XkbOptions" "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"

Hello thanks for the input ^^

Your desktop look nice.
Currently I use precustomized GUI from the kde market place.

In regard of BAR yeah, totally.
But still I’ll manage some 15-20 fps then, not much but managable xD
Though when I place structures and I place them to square to que build with mines to. Instant freeze xD

I think you wanted to replie to me, since CSCS didnt showed his desktop.

What you mean with precustomized? Which theme?

Here are my custom settings:
Global Theme: Se7en Aero (unchecked box)
Plasma Style: Win7OS
Application Style:
GTK2 theme: bisoft-win7
GTK3 theme: Windows-7-2.1 (Aero)
Colours: Win7OS
Window Decorations: WinConceptOS
Icons: Oxygen + Diamond Method (Diamond Icons Gen4 + Diamond)
Cursors: Win8E

On my 144Hz TFT i can’t complain…

So after some googling I found a Redit post that gave exactly the same advice given here add kernel option to the like GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="nvidia-drm.modeset=1" .
But the Redit post gave additional information, which I presume, I don’t have clue… Means initializing the new grub configuration by regenerating /boot/grub/grub.cfg grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg.

After these settings plasma(wayland) started without problems.
On top of that it fixed my problem with stuttering as well!!! FINALLY A SMOOTH DESKTOP EXPERIENCE like windows offers.
I can scroll in Vs-code, browser and virtual desktops in peace WITHOUT stuttering.

What I found strange is that a lot of people on various forums swear by, that with nvidia hardware goes best with the use of x11 and not wayland for smoother and better experience, well not in my case. Wayland it is!!!


The only solution I have found that works is basically start the right window manager from the login.
Going to basic desktop activities, like web surfing and editing documents, then i’ll start up the desktop with wayland.
Am I going to game I have to start up the desktop with X11.