My user password is not accepted

I know that Strg is Ctrl. This is the second serious issus I have with a manjaro update. This time I have no access to my data

Have you done as @Wollie suggested?

I don’t know how to do what he suggested. I asked him but he said he had no time and I should ask in the forum. Do you know what he meant?

Boot into your live cd, open a terminal … type in the command he has suggested … (which I am not familiar with, unfortunately) …
to chroot type

manjaro-chroot -a

You will have to choose your root partition from the choices provided

If everything goes right you are root as if logged in via the normal process. … and could visit the homedirectory of your user and see if there are any recent .xsession-errors files

I really don’t know how to solve the issue. I should set the Themes to breeze and there is an error I am unable to solve. It says: plasma-apply-lookandfeel: symbol lookup error: /usb/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN19KColorSchemeManager8instanceEv

This is the problem… how can I solve it?
If I can’t solve it I should be thinking of reinstalling. That seems ti be the only way…it’ s silly it happened because I upgraded manjaro


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