My root partition free space keeps decreasing

Is there a way I can check what changes has been taking place in my drive for the last months because my drive size keeps on decreasing I didn’t change anything in my root partition. Is it possible somehow I can check what changes or what package or files allocating the space since last months. Hopefully I’m not infected or anything

I want something like that. Where did you get it? :slightly_smiling_face:

You are probably wondering what is filling up your disk space.

look at:

  • what got installed (pacman.log)
  • what is in the pacman cache
  • whether a lot of space is taken by system logs and/or coredumps

oh sorry that was my fault something was taking space so drive size is decreasing but something size is increasing that’s why drive size is decreasing edited the post honestly I got scare

Do you mean the total size is increasing or the amount used is increasing?

If the former, I haven’t a clue. If the latter, the most likely thing is that you’re building up a lot of data in /var/log. Almost certainly your systemd journal (/var/log/journal). You can limit the amount of disc space the journal takes up by creating /etc/systemd/journald.conf.d/overrides.conf and making it read:


Changing 256M to suit your preferences. The restart journaling with

sudo systemctl restart systemd-journald.service

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btrfs snapshots? Delete snapshots you don’t need

I think Gradio causing this issue because I remember now couple week ago installed it messed around with it and forgot about it . And did a google search found that google banned it last year.

And I think I should totally delete those stable diffusion package they look sketchy to me now

I’m not sure if you mean the size of your drive keeps decreasing, or the amount of space on it keeps decreasing. I’m guessing English may not be your first language, but the size of your drive should remain constant.

If you mean that the space left on the drive is continuing to decrease, then there’s an easy way of finding the cause. Run command:-

sudo du / -hd1 --exclude={/dev,/proc,/sys,run/user}|sort -h

This might take a minute or two to run. That should list the folders in order of size. I expect it’s ‘cache’ that’s causing the issue if you don’t clean your system regularly.


You have not mentioned which file system in use of your root partition.

If you are using du - you will not get correct results.

See Btrfs Maintenance - Manjaro

This is a better version. Not only is it shorter, but it actually excludes everything that should be excluded.

sudo du -xhd1 / | sort -h

Just to be clear, btrfs users should see @linux-aarhus’s post, just above this one.


I cannot comment on btrfs because i do not use it. Snapshots/backups are also things that run only if you enabled them. What runs automatically to certain extent is logging, coredumps, and keeping 3 versions of all packets. The default for journal is up to 4GB, the coredumps can also get to 4GB, they will however be cleaned in 2 weeks.
Flatpaks and snaps are also a source of hidden space eaters, because they can download gigabytes of platform tools.
You can use filelight or baobab to analyze disk usage. And if you open pamac, it shows how much cache it uses and you can clean it. With the default settings it will cache pretty much every package downloaded for many months.