After updating to the newer Kernel yesterday, I restarted my machine. Everything was fine, until I noticed that my wallpaper wasn’t loading. After a short time, It wasn’t the wallpaper, but the entire dekstop instead. Interacting with it is no use: right-clicking won’t show any options. I’m finding myself with a black background now; but atleast the panel is still here. I didn’t find any solutions online, and I hope asking for help on the forum could lead me to a solution.
If you can open terminal then run:
sudo systemctl restart display-manager
to restart the xserver.
There could be some changes in configurations of newer updates. Could check if there are any pacnew or pacsave files?
sudo updatedb && locate --existing --regex "\.pac(new|save)$"
Tried the first command: didn’t work
This is the output of the second command:
I’m an idiot… I didn’t I simply unistalled XfceDesktop… Everything is good now. Thanks
Can this not be had by pacdiff -o
You might want to deal with your pacnew/pacsave files.
Hello ! I have the same problem, SOLVED
I found it: “So I’ve been using Linux for 10 years. I saw that so you understand that I know how to follow you comments for erasing the files in .config as you asked me to. That includes the session files you mentioned before. None of them were working despite reboots or logging in/out. So, on a whim, I enabled the setting where it lets me choose a session on login. I created a new session and now my background is there as are the desktop icons (which I’d forgot to mention were missing). So, it’s solved, but I don’t know what was wrong before.”