I have a problem with microphone muting and unmuting. When I click Fn+F1 it mutes sounds from speakers and head/earphones (so this works correctly), when I click Fn+F2 it volumes down and Fun+F3 it volumes up (so everything works correctly). But when I try to do Fn+F4 to mute microphone it cannot do this. I work on Manjaro i3 with 5.15.60–1–MANJARO kernel and PulseAudio with Alsa (Alsa reads PulseAudio and it works correctly, microphone works and sound). I also use Volumeicon, because with pa-applet, these Function shortcuts don’t work at all, so it’s probably the Alsa or Volumeicon. I tried to search on ~/.i3/config where I have bindsym, is there Fn+ binds, but there aren’t. I use Lenovo ThinkPad E15 and I tried to find a solution.
The key code is XF86AudioMicMute which you can bind in you i3 config to mute the microphone.
The command to mute the current default microphone should be
pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle
(Maybe, I didn’t test it and adapted from the Arch wiki.)
I tested, it didn’t work.
But works amixer set Capture toggle so i just made bindsym to my ~/.i3/config. bindsym XF86AudioMicMute exec --no-startup-id amixer set Capture toggle