Multiple problems installing updates with pamac

My KDE plasma tray icon is indicating that I have 4 updates to install so I do what I usually do, which is to run pamac update from the command line. Here is the output of that:

There are a few things I perceive to be not working correctly here and I would love to get some help with.

  1. It’s indicating 4 packages to upgrade and I said ‘y’ to the transaction, I authenticated, and it goes right to Transaction successfully finished. without installing anything. I expected it to install the updated packages, which is what has always happened. This just started happening in the past couple days.

  2. There is a warning near the top that has been there for a while: Warning: manjaro-hello: local (0.7.0-6) is newer than extra (0.7.0-5). How did this happen? How can I resolve? Should I just uninstall manjaro-hello and reinstall it?

  3. At some point maybe about 6 months ago it spontaneously stopped prompting me for authentication in a graphical UI prompt and started prompting me instead on the command-line, as you can see. How can I get the graphical UI prompt back?

Thanks in advance for any help you folks can offer!

sudo pacman-mirrors --geoip
sudo pacman -Syyuu

Thank you! It helped me :slight_smile:

Had the same problem. Can confirm not using pamac and instead using pacman solved the problem.


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