MTG Arena crashes on startup after Kaldheim update

I have MTG Arena installed via Lutris (the Latest Self-Updating version). After the update to Kaldheim it always crashes on startup with this screen before the crash:

Here is the log from Lutris.

lutris-wrapper: Magic: The Gathering Arena
Running /home/######/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/lutris-mtga-5.0-x86_64/bin/wine /home/#####/Games/magic-the-gathering-arena/drive_c/Program Files/Wizards of the Coast/MTGA/MTGALauncher/MTGALauncher.exe
Initial process has started with pid 346975
Start monitoring process.
esync: up and running.
23 [1] INFO RootLog (null) - Initialized with Flavor: "Live"
36 [1] INFO RootLog (null) - Initialized with AppDir: "C:\Program Files\Wizards of the Coast\MTGA\"
551 [1] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Looking for Language in RegKey:Software\Wow6432Node\Wizards of the Coast\MTGArena
554 [1] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Language Set
557 [1] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Loc Strings Populated
559 [1] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Status:Checking for Updates...
585 [3] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Retrieving userID
586 [3] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Setting userID with read to:eba3d23e-d326-42a8-8b36-ad7beacf6beb
595 [4] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Admin Rights found! Initializing BI Manager.
595 [4] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Get Processor Count.
596 [4] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Setup PerformanceCounters.
595 [3] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Moving to Stage:CheckingVersion
624 [3] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Starting Version Check...
625 [3] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Status:Checking for Updates...
626 [3] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Starting Version Check Thread
641 [5] INFO DefaultLog (null) - HttpClient started.
661 [5] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Attempt 1 to get Doormat Version
827 [4] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Failed to Start PerformanceCounters!
832 [4] INFO DefaultLog (null) - System.InvalidOperationException: Category does not exist.
   at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterLib.CounterExists(String machine, String category, String counter)
   at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.InitializeImpl()
   at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter..ctor(String categoryName, String counterName, String instanceName, Boolean readOnly)
   at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter..ctor(String categoryName, String counterName, String instanceName)
   at MTGALauncher.BIManager.<>c.<InitBI>b__29_0()
888 [4] INFO DefaultLog (null) -    at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterLib.CounterExists(String machine, String category, String counter)
   at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.InitializeImpl()
   at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter..ctor(String categoryName, String counterName, String instanceName, Boolean readOnly)
   at System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter..ctor(String categoryName, String counterName, String instanceName)
   at MTGALauncher.BIManager.<>c.<InitBI>b__29_0()
888 [4] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Done Initializing BI Manager.
1596 [3] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Adding message to queue: clientID:eba3d23e-d326-42a8-8b36-ad7beacf6beb environmentID:Prod region: logLevel:Info sourceType:Installer messageType:ReinstallData details:{
  "sessID": "4443dc4d-49c0-49f2-b5f4-e0c6c73d731e",
  "ping": "2021-02-02T12:49:13.7448229Z"
1599 [7] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Starting SendThread
1606 [7] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Sending Message: {"MessageType":"ReinstallData","RegionId":"","Details":{"sessID":"4443dc4d-49c0-49f2-b5f4-e0c6c73d731e","ping":"2021-02-02T12:49:13.7448229Z"}}
1607 [7] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Message Length: 143
1801 [5] INFO DefaultLog (null) - LauncherVersion From Doormat:
1802 [5] INFO DefaultLog (null) - ClientVersion From Doormat:0.1.3372.842906
1805 [5] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Parsing Launcher version:1.0.94
1805 [5] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Got local launcher version file:1.0.94
1810 [5] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Checking version
1811 [5] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Getting local version file
1823 [5] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Got Local file:MTGALauncher.VersionFile
1823 [5] INFO DefaultLog (null) - newest version:0.1.3372.842906
1824 [5] INFO DefaultLog (null) - current version:0.1.3372.842906
1825 [5] INFO DefaultLog (null) - On current version already. Launching MTGA!
1848 [5] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Adding message to queue: clientID:eba3d23e-d326-42a8-8b36-ad7beacf6beb environmentID:Prod region: logLevel:Info sourceType:Installer messageType:ReinstallData details:{
  "LauVer": "",
  "Ver": "0.1.3372.842906",
  "sessID": "4443dc4d-49c0-49f2-b5f4-e0c6c73d731e",
  "LaunchMTGA": "2021-02-02T12:49:13.9985679Z"
1850 [5] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Moving to Stage:MovingTo64BitPF
1850 [5] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Moving to Stage:DownloadingUpdates
1852 [1] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Closing Window
1853 [1] INFO DefaultLog (null) - mtgaGlobal.CloseConfirmed:True
1854 [1] INFO DefaultLog (null) - mtgaGlobal.Stage:DownloadingUpdates
2596 [13] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Client reported eba3d23e-d326-42a8-8b36-ad7beacf6beb - {"MessageType":"ReinstallData","RegionId":"","Details":{"sessID":"4443dc4d-49c0-49f2-b5f4-e0c6c73d731e","ping":"2021-02-02T12:49:13.7448229Z"}}
2597 [13] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Removing message from Queue: {
  "sessID": "4443dc4d-49c0-49f2-b5f4-e0c6c73d731e",
  "ping": "2021-02-02T12:49:13.7448229Z"
2609 [7] INFO DefaultLog (null) - Stopping SendThread
Initial process has exited (return code: 0)
wine: Unhandled exception 0x80000003 in thread 7a at address 0000000180DB40EB (thread 007a), starting debugger...
Monitored process exited.
All monitored processes have exited.
Exit with returncode 0

Does anyone know how to avoid the crash and get the game started again?

You will have to discuss that with the developers - from what you post - it seems like a wine thing.

(on a side note - don’t use the blockqoute - use the </> button)

Which version of wine are you using?

For this game, Lutris is using the “lutris-MTGA-5.0-x86_64” Wine version