Mpv: error while loading shared libraries:

mpv not work.

mpv: error while loading shared libraries:

cinnamon edition.
I restored it to the previous snapshot. I’ll wait and see.
Broadly speaking, there is no problem except for mpv and thumbnails.

Sounds like partial update.

pacman -Q mpv ffmpeg vmaf


sudo pacman -Q mpv ffmpeg vmaf
mpv 1:0.36.0-1
ffmpeg 2:6.1-2
vmaf-git 3.0.0rc.r1.g97e50eae-1

I’ll try again.

sudo pacman-mirrors -f && pamac upgrade --force-refresh --aur

ffmpeg is not the latest (2:6.1-3) and vmaf-git is an AUR package not the vmaf from repo.

upgarad… and .
remove vmaf-git , install vmaf.
It went well.
Thank you for your sound advice. Thank you.


mpv 1:0.36.0-1
ffmpeg 2:6.1-3
vmaf 3.0.0-1

Normally, I’m doing an upgrade with yay.
I don’t know why it was a partial update with the exception of vmaf,
but it worked fine with the cli pamac.

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