Moving From Cinnamon to LXDE

Hi everyone, my name is Jon. I went with Cinnamon when I switched to Manjaro after a while on Debian using XFCE and a while on Fedora using Gnome. Basically I went with Cinnamon because of the look and feel and it’s been alright. But I have recently had the need to do some work with virtual machines and my physical machine is about 8 years old so, it definitely can’t handle the extra strain Cinnamon causes while also running virtual machines. So anyway I want to switch to Manjaro LXDE. Already tried installing from the command line but that didn’t work as I think some of the download sites are down. I also tried installing LXQt from the command line and I got what was a very disfunctional desktop. So I am looking to reinstall Manjaro with the LXDE community edition but I am wondering what I need to do to keep all of my “stuff” i.e. my account, my data and all of my installed programs without having to manually reinstall them. Your help is a great relief. Thank you very much, -Jonathan

Welcome :smiley:

Well, I am going to start with, I personally would rather just reinstall with those Manjaro editions so that I don’t have all these config files, packages, and other stuff sitting in my computer that I don’t plan to ever use anymore. Trying to figure out every single package to uninstall to remove everything is a pain too.

If you want to keep your installation:

This is a tutorial on how to install LXDE with the Manjaro configs. As it says at the end, it has you generate a new user profile for it.

We typically recommend generating a new user profile for each DE, because config files from other DEs/setups can cause a lot of conflict. You’ll still have all of your data and programs installed, you just will have to start anew with all of your configs. You can copy some of your configs over though.

I think maybe it’s because you didn’t also install the Manjaro configs. This can help. I personally do like our LXQt version. @linux-aarhus is the creator of LXQt and Openbox edition, and he makes them well :slight_smile:

I use Openbox and LXQt editions on my laptops. (And KDE on my desktop)


Also, you might have had a dysfunctional desktop because you didn’t create a new user. You were probably using the same user, and might have had some config files conflicting or something.

There might be a newer version. Lets ask @linux-aarhus , if he has baked something new.

@realmain Do I make the new account and then install?

Depends what you mean by “install”. Do you mean install the DE? or do you mean install the whole Manjaro Edition ISO?

If you mean just install the DE, after is fine as you can see in both of the tutorial links that I have linked you in my original comment.

Create a new user for the new desktop environment

sudo useradd -mG lp,network,power,sys,wheel <username> 
sudo passwd <username>

OSDN is quite dysfunctional so I am currently building ISO to this location