Hello Everyone,
I recently installed Manjaro(i3-wm,version) really liked it more than venilla Arch(not an advanced user) but I have this small issue here, I use custom mouse-cursor theme, it woks well but when i open some pre-installed apps (like pcmanfm,pamac etc.), the theme changes to some different theme(not default theme i.e breeze). When I move the cursor back to some other app(eg.brave-browser) the cursor theme changes back.
I found a temporary fix for this is running this command : ‘xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr’.
So can anyone pls suggest me a permanent fix for this.
(For some reason im unable to upload a screenshot)
sudo nano /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme
[Icon Theme]
Inherits=your-cursor, Adwaita
thank you, but it didnot change anything
did you reboot?
Yes I did
did you use lxappearance to change it ?
did you edit some file ?
First installed it from KDE store, using OCS-install then applied the theme using Lxappeareance
so it’s in your user folder, not /usr/share/icons.
you need to copy it to /usr/share/icons for system wide use.
It worked.
Thank you soon much for helping me out
no problem.
us tilers got to stick together. sometimes it takes effort to get things the way you want.
i use sway for my regular, just find it easier to get it the way i want.
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