Manjaro newb here.
After recent updates via pamac (linux66 6.6.80-1) my display (HDMI) refuses to wake up after going to sleep. I move the mouse to try to get display login screen and all I get is the display backlight briefly then message about no signal and going back to power saving mode. This is a new build which has been working fine for about 8 months with somewhat regular updates–every month or so.
At first I thought this was a lightdm issues but, looking through various logs beneath /var/log, checking journalctl -xe, and systemctl status of lightdm.service it looks like everything is running as expected.
I can get the display back if I switch over to console (ctrl-alt-f2), then do
restart of lightdm.service. This is why I thought it was lightdm at first.
More recently I discovered I can actually log in while the screen is blank. Some errant key presses started song playing. Just the display stays blank.
Only thing I can think of that things might have gone wrong prior to updates was I foolishly hit the “ignore” button in pamac to see what it did. Then realized there was no way to reverse that?!?!
I looked all over to see where the packages shown as ignored were persisted but, after exiting pamac and starting again the ignored packages were no longer listed so I assumed they were just being ignored only while pamac was running.
I keep seeing references to pacdiff to look for potential package problems but, I don’t have that command and can’t seem to find which package provides it.
Hoping somebody can point me in further troubleshooting steps.