My friend has got a PC with Manjaro, which is much similar to mine. In both systems there is only one user, which belongs to the “administrator” category.
When I start thunar on my PC I see the item “thunar root” in the thunar /file menu. My friend DOES NOT see the item, even though he has the same Manjaro installed.
On which conditions does this depend? I have no idea, which configuration files I might inspect or modify.
Possibly my question is related to polkit, which, however, is far beyond my knowledge and understanding.
Was there something specific that makes you believe it might be related to polkit?
“Thunar Root” seems fine on a recent XFCE virtual machine. Something to keep in mind is that the option won’t always be offered in the context menu, dependent on which folders are right-clicked.
To help isolate the problem, please create a new User to test with; see if Thunar Root will work in another account.
It might also be beneficial to have the inxi output from your friend’s computer (see below);
System Information:
Output of this command (formatted according to forum requirements) may be useful for those wishing to help:
inxi --filter --verbosity=8
or the short form:
inxi -zv8
Those with privacy concerns, note that when -z, or --filter is used, all personally identifiable information is filtered out from the resulting inxi output.
A general warning that using Thunar Root is not recommended in inexperienced hands.
edit → configure custom actions - it should be there
if not:
create a new custom action
in the tab fill in name and description and the command as pkexec thunar %F or pkexec thunar %f
in the next tab “appearance conditions” put an asterisk * as the file pattern
in german:
Bearbeiten → Benutzerdefinierte Aktionen → dort sollte es auftauchen
wenn nicht:
neue Aktion anlegen
unter dem Tab “Allgemein” den Namen der Aktion und die Beschreibung und als Befehl pkexec thunar %F oder pkexec thunar %f
im nächsten Tab (Dateizuordnung) unter Dateimuster einen * eintragen
… in Manjaro Xfce4 it is: pkexec thunar %f
in my Mint system it is pkexec thunar %F
The example given creates a custom action with the same functionality of Thunar Root, but with a different name Open thunar as root here (and you can change that if needed).
Open thunar as root here
According tt the XFCE page, this information should work with an Arch based OS:
As the issue is limited to their own User Account, the explanation for this is not challenging at all; it can only be attributable to something the user has done, whether intentionally or otherwise.
In this case the resolution is clear. Recreate the custom action (information provided previously).
@jrichard326 was the first to offer this as a solution; my recommendation would be to mark their post as the solution to this topic.
The topic title has been changed to better reflect reality.
The Solution post has been marked in your absence.