Missing GLIBCXX_3.4.29

Hey all!
I’ve install npm & nodejs via the following command:
sudo pacman -S nodejs npm

while i tried to run the command npm -v i encountered the following error:
node: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29’ not found (required by node)
where can i find the missing library? (GLIBCXX_3.4.29)

Welcome here, @night_Developer,

Is your system fully updated? If not, run

sudo pacman-mirrors -f && sudo pacman -Syyu

If the issue persists install libstdc++5 from extra repository.

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There’s been a few posts about that lately:


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Thank you so much for the answer!!
the command you suggested didn’t help but this command did:
sudo pamac upgrade -a

Thank you for your answer,
the following command helped me to solve this issue:
sudo pamac upgrade -a

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