Microphone on manjaro stopped working

Hello! Could you please help to understand what can be the reason of the problem. My microphone stopped working on manjaro (on the other OS at the same laptop the same mic works fine). Sometimes it works on manjaro too, but I cant understand what should I do to repeat it. When I connect wireless earphones, they connect ok, but without mic. In apps like skype and telegram id doesn’t appear in settings. When I use alsamixer command and press F4, there is only one volume control, and no mic.
Thanks in advance!

alsamixer with no card name or number specified will show level control for default ALSA output (usually PulseAudio or PipeWire)

Use F6 or S to show list of audio cards detected in ALSA

and F4 to show audio capture controls instead of playback controls

When I connect wireless earphones, they connect ok, but without mic

If you are using a Bluetooth headset it is not likely to be detected in ALSA

Also suggest check audio devices devices detected in PulseAudio or PipeWire

pactl list cards