“Probably” is an assumption, in this case based on fear and other people’s over reactions. @romangg and others have very clearly stated that the whole thing is still in development, and there has been suggestions to hide IP addresses and more. Furthermore, if they want to track me, (for what, anyway?) they’re welcome to. I’ve checked and my IP doesn’t even track to the correct city. So that is obviously just a very rough idea.
Another baseless assumption. Who says the Partners won’t?
And again, from the first post in the other thread regarding MDD:
And if you’ve checked the data, you’d have seen it that can be used it the device_id, and I dare you to use that, and only that, obtain my tax records, my income and my expenditures:
"device_id": "bdc15590-3ae6-5256-965e-0139d6f96339",
As for the other data that you’ve read can be used to fingerprint you, how would knowing I have a Gigabyte Z370 HD3 motherboard, a Gigabyte Nvidia 960GTX, Intel i7-8900 CPU, 16GB DDR4 RAM and 2560GB Samsung nVME give tell you anything more about med than I’ve got a relatively OK’ish computer?
Not even everything I’ve mentioned is in the data being transmitted.
So please, everyone, stop your fear-mongering, and start asking how or what without baseless assumptions.
And obviously, if “Youtube influencers” are just that: they influence people for a “like” and/or a “subscribe”, to fuel their egos and not necessarily rational, or sometimes even truth. It’s all about getting a reaction and that’s done by playing with your emotions…