MDD - Opt-in vs Opt-out

We have already got one (it’s very nice :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

Testers needed: Manjaro Data Donor

Manjaro Hardware Database

MDD telemetry and Manjaro Metrics are not needed for troubleshooting hardware

The python script already has 2 options

GitHub - manjaro/mdd: Manjaro Data Donor - WIP

Dry Run

python --dry-run

only display the data that would be sent without actually doing so.


If you only want to count the device but not provide any data about your system, then run:

python --disable-telemetry

If possible please provide all information though. It helps us with learning about what our users need. And the graphs look cool!

Users could use 2nd option just to be counted as a Manjaro user without sharing hardware information

So IMO this has never been a simple opt-in or opt-out thing