Matlab not opening after latest Manjaro update

After my latest update with sudo pacman -Syu, I’m unable to now open the Matlab application using command line or otherwise:

■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ~]$ matlab
MATLAB is selecting SOFTWARE OPENGL rendering.
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ~]$ 

which is strange because previously the same message would pop up but Matlab would open immediately. Has it been removed after the update? I dont see it listed in my packages installed. Then shouldn’t it have thrown an error when requested on prompt itself?

You used pacman to update the base system.

matlab is a package from AUR

It may need to be rebuilt against the now changed base system.

Oh I see! the installation files before the update are still in /usr/local/MATLAB/R2024b/bin/matlab

Should I remove them and re-install in the new updated base system?
All the previous time I updated the system using pacman, I did not have to rebuild Matlab. I wonder what has changed now?

you should rebuild the matlab package

It may not work easily when you are on Manjaro stable branch.

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Packages from the AUR should be rebuilt after a system sync/update; usually with pamac build <packagename>.

If you installed the following Matlab version from AUR, I note that it was last updated on 2023-09-19 – in this case, rebuilding it might serve no useful purpose.

Additional (for reference):

It looks like these instructions are most useful for installing Matlab on Arch based distributions;


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