I’m not really looking for support, just to flag this in case someone else is scratching their heads over their system locking up. I haven’t reported it as yet—their bug reporting is private and not very engaging.
With Kernel 6.12.11, Master PDF Editor runs fine.
[I see this has been moved to Support AUR. I should mention I’m using the Flatpak version. I think I had problems with AUR package & Qt libraries.]
Mod note: I’ve moved it to Snap/Flatpak
in Support
Simply stating the application freezes with a different kernel is not enough (yes I know you stated you were not really looking for support) but yet here we are.
I did a simple testrun of the application using the AUR build script - I couldn’t make it fail.
Perhaps the lockup you experience is simply a coincidence with the actual usecase?
Or did you repeat the exact same operation using different kernel?
It is impossible to correctly identify anything with a proprietary application.
Some background
Due to the rolling release philosophy of Arch based distributions, it is common for applications to fail - for one reason or another.
flatpak packaging is assumed to be providing all dependencies within but reality is - this is not always true.
Sometimes they depend on parts presumed to be installed on the host system - this could be theming, icons or other parts provided by a certain desktop type or toolkit - quite often Gnome.
Packages build from custom scripts stored with AUR will often provide a better dependency resolution for Arch based systems as the packager has directly resolved all dependencies into a functional package generation script.
On the contrary, the AUR package immediately segfaults when I use the Open dialog, as does the download from CodeIndustry.
I went back to 6.12.11 so that I could continue using the flatpak.
That is strange - it does not do so with my system - using 6.14.0rc1
I cannot completely dismiss a kernel regression. On stable branch it is the first iteration of Linux 6.13 (6.13.0-1) and 6.12 is designated by upstream (The Linux Kernel Archives - Releases) as LTS.
Would you mind switching branch to testing (linux 6.13.1-2) to verify if it is a kernel regression?
sudo pacman-mirrors --api --set-branch testing
sudo pacman -Syu
This may also have an impact on your other issue (System will not suspend after BIOS update)
Since I have a setup that works, it wouldn’t be a good use of my time at the moment.
Then I won’t spend more time on this.
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