Manjaro uses all my laptop resources

there is no


but there are these

cpuinfo_max_freq | cpuinfo_min_freq | cpuinfo_transition_latency

what should i pick?

already disabled it

Then use this?

watch -n 1 sudo cpupower monitor

ok? and ?


well, its between 900-1200 is that normal?
it can go to 2000 if i opened a YT vid

and what is you min and max frequency?

lscpu | grep CPU

CPU max MHz: 3100.0000
CPU min MHz: 800.0000

Then it is all fine. Think of this:

If the CPU frequency is scaled at 2000Mhz at this moment, then htop for example will show full load even if you can run it at 3100Mhz. It is a powersaving method to just request what the application needs.

interesting, so what do you think about the full usage of ram?
also, I’m confused because my Linux mint never used my full CPU and ram over a youtube video plus I work on android studio and since I got manjaro this was impossible because whatever I do I get the system fully loaded and it gets froze

Could you post the output of:

free -h

when you think you are using a lot of ram?

ill try even tho it’s not that easy to do so because as I said once my sys use all of my cpu and ram the whole thing freeze i cant even use the terminal at this point

Try to open a TTY with CTRL+ALT+F2 (to type the command). ALT+F1 to go back to desktop.

Do you have a swapfile/partition?


and could you post this output also?

cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness 

if is video, I suppose web browser(or video driver) not use gpu

i do have swap of 8gb and

cat /proc/sys/vm/swappiness 

output is 60


That is for example my normal usage (firefox uses the most ram):

              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:          7,8Gi       2,8Gi       148Mi       526Mi       4,8Gi       4,2Gi
Swap:          11Gi       1,0Mi        11Gi

When you run your normal applications. How much is it?

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Quick dirty command if you want to log the five first lines (sorted by memory usage) from command top, every five seconds, you can try this in a terminal, it will write the output in a file called loopmem.log and you could maybe see which program is taking all the memory before freeze maybe?:

while sleep 5; do top -b -c -i -w512 -n2 -o+%MEM|awk '/^top/{i++}i==2' | grep 'PID' -A 5 >> loopmem.log; done

I had the same probleme my i had manjaro 20 kde installed on my laptop and it always got frozen when im using more than 3 tabs and visual studio code running i can even put some music o play a video if not i get stuck and i have to power of manually is this normal i Uninstall windows and put manjaro now im thinking if I made a good choice or i have to move to ubuntu o kali instead