Build iso cannot make pacman-mirrors and further down can not install calamares.
Note calamares can not be installed from pamac or pacman either.
Which build ISO?
Is it current?
Did you check it for errors as recommended?
(I suppose this play on words ‘build iso’ wasn’t obvious enough.)
The cinnamon iso and it’s not the iso but the build system that does not work
I’ve been using it recently without issue.
Though … this is not the first time you have asked a similar question.
No I used the git version and checked there is no updates, no log as calamares will not install so no iso built. I will try again and produce errors for you!
The dependencies for calamares are not in the repos in unstable.
Found it they all have “5” added to their name, please update calamares?
buildiso does not make pacman-mirrors - it installs from the build repo - which is the mirror defined in manjaro-tools - or in case none is defined a default is used - I believe the curret default is Index of /manjaro
This has nothing to do with Calamares but the iso-profile used.
The relevant profile content files need to be updated to match the rename of qt packages ahead of the change to qt6.
You need to update the file Packages-Desktop to reflect that change.
I don’t think so the files are not in Package-Desktop they are the dependencies of calamares which can not now be found as their names have changed. I am not sure what you mean about pacman mirrors
as I am not sure what calls them or how they are called as pacman-mirrors works here but not from the script.
FYI, both calamares
and calmares-git
have been updated in the unstable and testing branches.
Many Thanks it is now working, there was also an update to pacman-mirrors no idea if this fixed the mirror problem but its gone now.
Isn’t this a null solution?
I think The update of pacman-mirrors fixed it, but as I did not really understand what caused the error I can’t say this is definitely the case. Calamares of course was fixed by the update.
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