Manjaro stuck installing latest update

Today I got a pop up saying there is an update. I always install these straight away. I’m pretty sure it is the 30th Nov 2024 update.

It was stuck for about 25 mins with frozen desktop although I was able to move the mouse around and use the keyboard.

Then suddenly the install finished while I was writing this question. Strangely it didn’t ask me to do a restart.

So I guess if others experience this just wait it out for a half hour or so and don’t force restart or anything.


Better have a look into Announcements, first.

Did you update via Pamac or pacman? If you use pacman you should not get the feeling of being stucked as you can follow the downloading and installation, step by step.

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It was a big update - more than 1.7 GB needed to be downloaded, install size for me was ~7.5 GB
That takes a while - i just ran into it in my VM and did that.

Total Download Size:   1749.77 MiB
Total Installed Size:  7438.32 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:       941.91 MiB

Yeah I’ll try and remember to visit the System Update announcements page before updating from now and maybe delay the update for a few days.

I used the Pamac GUI since it really updates everything and cleans up the package cache and maybe other things too I don’t know about and don’t want to forget about.

What are the commands to do a system update from the command line? I have a few AUR packages so it’s this right?

sudo pacman -Syu && yay -Sua --devel

Or this?

sudo pacman -Syu && yay -Syu

It was the biggest update I have seen in years, about 5.6GB download in my case. Sometimes I think to go back to a periodic release distro like debian instead of all these endless large system update downloads using up internet bandwidth!



I do:

sudo pacman -Syu

just for the Manjaro repo packages and afterwards, after a reboot, and only if no errors occurred and nothing is to maintain (like pacnews):

yay -Sua --devel

Second command only updates AUR packages.

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That is exactly how i do it too.

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Or use:

trizen -Syu

This will

  • update the system first
  • then show a numbered list of AUR packages that need updating
  • then let you choose which ones to update and in what order


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