Manjaro stability on laptop

I’ve read that Manjaro can break the system (not at the level of Arch but still can be unstable) because is rolling release, is that right?

That is not accurate. Some minor glitches can occur due to the rolling release nature of Manjaro (and Arch), but nothing at the system level.

But in my opinion it is true that all Arch based distros (including Manjaro) require a little bit more effort and knowledge than other “user friendly” distros. Not much, but a little bit. For example is almost mandatory (if you want to stay out of trouble) to read update announcements, as there is usually information about what you need to check or do to have a smooth update.

From what I have seen, most problems come from people messing with their system in some way. Other source of problems can be the graphic adapter (specially Nvidia). But almost everything is fixable.

I have run Manjaro for three years without a problem, but it is true that I don’t have demanding software (like gaming and stuff…)


Arch doesn’t break - it is build from upstream sources - so if something breaks it is usually the upstream code containing a bug - that happens …

Manjaro does not break the system - users do that perfectly on their own.

We have a saying in Denmark - roughly translated

he/she cannot put a stick in a hole without destroying both

Everything you read on the internet is the truth - otherwise it wouldn’t have been there - right?

No single operating system is perfect - but that doesn’t mean it is unusable - right?

The best method to verify is your test on your own hardware.

The hardware is essential to the experience especially for laptop systems.

Manjaro is not Linux beginner friendly Arch - it requres equal amount of maintenance attention as an Arch based system - but more like the Linux experienced user’s easy entry to an Arch based system.

Many longtime members here has been using Manjaro for years without major incidents - myself included. I have occasionally made coding errors which affected a large userbase (pacman-mirrors code) - but that is why Manjaro has stable, testing and unstable.

Manjaro is as solid as the user.

Abstain excess tweaking and custom themes (especially those older unmaintained look&feel packages you can find for Plasma).

Abstain excess usage of custom buildscript on stable branch. AUR and stable branch can be a really bad match.

Rolling release sometimes requires manual intervention - those interventions are usually announced - so before you execute a major update - consult the release announcement - which also keeps track of previous issues you may need to address.

When I look back on years of Linux experience - I realize that

  1. Having compatible hardware is a must
  2. Tempting as it is - don’t begin your journey by ricing your system
  3. Use a log - log every change you do manually
  4. Don’t assume it was the last change you made that cause issue - errors often happen in a row

Thanks for the information
I like Manjaro with KDE, now i can install it without get worried for system updates =)

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I’ve now been using Manjaro KDE/Plasma for 9 months, coming from Xubuntu, PeppermintOS, Bunsenlabs.

The updates so far have been flawless in my case.

That being said, I do not have a complex setup, nor run demanding software, so mine’s quite a straightforward system.

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What linux-aarhus said.

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