Manjaro not booting after last update. error loading shared Unable to mount /new_root. Cannot access chroot

those missing firmware logs are normal, everyone has them…

post also output from:
pacman -Qm

yes try switching kernel, install the 61 for example:
pacman -S linux61
if no errors, exit chroot, reboot

and do you have grub menu shown during boot?

Yes, I do have grub menu.

pacman -Qm

also from chroot?

at least grub is working normally
yes the pacman -Qm output from chroot

pacman -Qm

not a long list

[manjaro /]# pacman -Qm
aften-git 0.0.8.r886.89aee3d-1
audacity-extras 2.2.1-1
autenticacao-gov-pt-bin 3.8.1-5
breath2-wallpaper 1.0.18-5
ca-certificates-dnie 20220422-1
ca-certificates-fnmt 20221203-1
cegui-0.7 0.7.9-5
celt 0.11.3-5
ceph-libs 15.2.14-6
gnome-icon-theme 3.12.0-7
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.12.0-6
js60 60.9.0-2
js68 68.12.0-1
kdewebkit 5.98.0-1
libopenaptx 0.2.0-1
libpkcs11-dnie 1.6.8-1
libquicktime 1.2.4-27
libxerces-c-3.1 3.1.4-1
manjaro-documentation-en 20181009-1
manjaro-firmware 20160419-1
masterpdfeditor-free 4.3.89-1
metis 5.1.0.p10-2
mhwd-nvidia-340xx 340.108-1
mozilla-common 1.4-6
neroaacenc-bin 1.5.4-4
noto-fonts-compat 20151217-1
openssl-1.0 1.0.2.u-1
openssl3-git 3.0.5.r1430.ge0c4e43e40-1
playonlinux 4.4+29+gd0ae9ce6-1
python-sip4 4.19.25-3
python2 2.7.18-5
python2-appdirs 1.4.4-6
python2-ordered-set 3.1.1-4
python2-packaging 20.9-7
python2-pygments 2.5.2-2
python2-pyparsing 2.4.7-6
python2-setuptools 2:44.1.1-1
python2-six 1.16.0-5
qt5-webkit 5.212.0alpha4-18
rttr 0.9.6-4
silly 0.1.0-9
smc-git 211.5c3e381-1
tsmuxer-git 2.6.16.r448.e6b1ed8-1
xdg-su 1.2.3-2
xml-security-c 2.0.4-1
xorg-font-utils 7.6-6
xorg-fonts-alias 1.0.3-3
zoom 5.12.2-1

Do I run pacman to add a kernel or do you recommend:

mhwd-kernel -i linux61

will make the same?, pacman will take care of headers?

these 2 packages caught my eye… why do you have them installed?
the openssl3-git is not even in AUR, so where did you installed it from?

you can use the mhwd-kernel command, but use it with force, otherwise it will complain about existing kernel:
mhwd-kernel -i linux61 --force
but first lets deal with the openssl packages (and others in the list)

I did not install them on purpose, at least as far as I remember…
I would have need some clear instructions to do so.
They must have been dependencies from other applications.
Could they have been installed by some of the following?:

autenticacao-gov-pt-bin 3.8.1-5
ca-certificates-dnie 20220422-1
ca-certificates-fnmt 20221203-1

I’m asking because they are related to identity card validation and certificates.
Indeed, I see in autenticacao-gov-pt-bin that openssl is a dependency.
But it should request it to be installed, not force install of an AUR version, isn’t it?

How can I verify which applications depend on them, and if not needed remove them?

i just checked and the 2 openssl packages mentioned above dont depend on these:

you can check with:
pacman -Qi openssl-1.0 | grep 'Required By\|Optional For'
pacman -Qi openssl3-git | grep 'Required By\|Optional For'

[manjaro /]# pacman -Qi openssl-1.0 | grep 'Required By\|Optional For'
Required By     : None
Optional For    : None
[manjaro /]# pacman -Qi openssl3-git | grep 'Required By\|Optional For'
Required By     : None
Optional For    : None

It looks like no application depends on them, does it mean I can remove them?
May ask pacman which application installed them?, or when?, Just to have an idea.
But if they are messing everything, I may remove them.
But how do I make the system point to the right afterwards?

Which further cleaning would be needed?

yes remove the 2 openssl packages:
pacman -Rs openssl-1.0 openssl3-git
but the openssl3-git is concerning, since its not even in AUR… who knows what that did, and why it was removed from AUR…

you can remove also these following packages, just to clean up your system:

python 2 is no longer supported, so its better to remove it, but if you are using something that depends on it, just blacklist it from updating, otherwise it will cause trouble…

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Removing so many packages at once makes me afraid I may have later trouble with some package still depending on them.
I remember about some old package still depending on python2.
This will of course be in my to do list, but I’d rather do it step-by-step, or at least trying to verify first which packages depend on them before removing. Does it make sense?, is it even possible?

Of course I want to recover my system, and also the functionality I had in it. I work on a everyday basis and my work depends on my current configuration.

I will remove now openssl-1.0 and openssl3-git
How will I tell the system to point to the ‘right’ afterwards?
Removing them is because they may be the origin of the problem, but removing them without further action/configuration will be enough?

these packages are dead: (they are not even in AUR)

breath2-wallpaper 1.0.18-5
gnome-icon-theme 3.12.0-7
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.12.0-6
js60 60.9.0-2
js68 68.12.0-1
manjaro-documentation-en 20181009-1
manjaro-firmware 20160419-1
mhwd-nvidia-340xx 340.108-1
smc-git 211.5c3e381-1
xorg-fonts-alias 1.0.3-3

they should be removed, period…

the rest was dropped from official repos to AUR, and cause issues when updating, so they should be removed too …

so remove the 2 openssl packages; reinstall again the openssl:
pacman -S openssl
install the 6.1 kernel, exit chroot, reboot, and see if that helped…

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I’m following your advice and removing the dead packages.
But when I request to remove them, I get this message:

checking dependencies...
:: mlt optionally requires sdl_image: SDL1 plugin
:: mlt6 optionally requires sdl_image: SDL1 plugin
:: vlc optionally requires sdl_image: SDL image support

And includes sdl_image-1.2.12-7 in the list of packages to be removed.
Package mlt is needed for kdenlive, that I regularly use.
VLC I also use sometimes.
As it is an optional dependency, may I remove it without breaking kdenlive or VLC?
pacman reports that sdl_image was installed by smc-git, not really by kdenlive

and… thank you for your patience

smc-git is a dead package, and sdl image is not installed by default, so remove it too… those are all optional dependencies… im using only vlc for my media, and as mentioned, sdl_image is not installed by default, so you should have no problems…

Some really old games like chromium, lincity, pingus,… also depend on it.
But I very rarely open them so I may drop it.

Will try and report back

so install the sdl_image package again, thats not a problem…

I think we moved several steps forward!!

It passed that ‘check point’ and now I think it is complaining of the missing backup disk that I unplugged.
The error now is (sorry, typing by hand):

[ TIME ] Timed out waiting for device #####.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/#####.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for /home/digitall/DATOS.
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for Local File Systems.
You are in emergency mode. After logging in, type "journalctl -xb" to view system logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or "exit" to boot into default mode.
Root password for maintenance
(or press Ctrl-D to continue):

Do I just have to comment that disk in fstab and reboot?, or any further action needed?
I think that live manjaro is not needed this time, I may access/etc/fstab in this emergency mode.

if you can access fstab without chroot, and you know which UUID it is, so yes modify it, reboot and see if you can boot

This emergency mode emerged when booting without live manjaro, so I’m fairly sure I’m in my system.
Terminal is in root.
And I can see /etc/fstab
I will try and edit it with nano, just comment the disk (I see the UUID, I just not copied it to be easier)

I have my system back!!

Thank you @brahma

Some minor things remain to be fixed, anything of great importance.

I suppose the solution was to remove that versions of openssl.
I will mark that answer as the final solution.
Even there were several other problems, that was the clue to rescue the system.
I’m not sure it will help anybody else, but in case.

Thank you

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