Manjaro minimal on rpi4 - is there a simple graphical interface to use with it?

Is there a minimal graphical interface, like the one to setup the system with the manjaro minimal arm?
I would like to avoid installing a DE, my idea is to run nextcloud, ejabberd and one or two other programms, but I am not experienced enough to run everything through command lines.

You will have to install a minimal GUI manually.

The GUI installed in the topic is LXDE which is Openbox window manager with some extras like a taskbar, a systray and a application panel. Very easy on system resources.

So you would recommend LXDE? What about “xorg and drivers” and “network utilities”, I am already connected through SSH, do I need those packages, considering I will never use it without a RJ45?

You will need xorg - you can skip network packages - it is not necessary.

LXDE is the easiest and leanest method of getting a point-and-click environment but to actually use it you need the vnc part too and it is very easy to setup.

sudo pacman -S xorg-server xorg-server-common xorg-xinit lxde tigervnc

Then use this topic to configure your vnc


Oh I see, will try that then, I am already connected through SSH with remmina so VNC will be similar I believe. Thnaks for the help so far!

I am doing something stupid to perform that action, I was using “sudo nano” then I try “cd” but I always get the error “cannot save because it’s a directory”.

What is the proper way to edit and save that file?

don’t edit user files with sudo

remove the .vnc folder - you may need to use sudo if you have created folder using sudo

sudo rm -rf ~/.vnc

Ensure you are logged in as the user - then recreate the vnc password - this will create the .vnc folder and a passwd file


Simply provide the full path and filename to nano

nano ~/.vnc/config

Insert the configuration as described - remember to use the correct name for the session.

You can get the name by listing the content of /usr/share/xsessions - it is named lxde-session LXDE if I remember correct.

another stupid question, I was doing this whole prodecure (tigerVNC over SSH) on my rpi connected through SSH, should it be done on the rpi or on my laptop?

no - it should be done on the remote pi - the one you intended to setup

when you have setup the remote pi - open a ssh connection to the remote pi

 ssh user@remote.pi -L 9902:localhost:5902

Provide the password and keep the shell open.

Then open the local tigervnc viewer and connect to localhost:9902 - provide your vnc password and you are connected.

It is really simple and works every time - suffice you remember the password.

Do I need to use the “tigervnc viwer” program or can I use remmina and others?

I am unable to configure remmina on my laptop to connect to the rpi.

I don’t know about remmina for vnc.

Just install the package tigervnc and open the viewer from you launcher.

Perhaps a more generic (but nonetheless useful) comment: Manjaro is derived so closely from Arch, that you can just follow instructions from the Arch Wiki (e.g., Tiger VNC) which, in general, are self-explanatory.

I did a little of research yesterday and the thing I was looking for is something like dockstarter:

That seems to be an ncurses interface, running in the CLI. So that entirely depends on the application you are running, not the OS.

What is your opinion on that? I want to learn what would be the best solution for what I need.

I use all my remove ARM boards through SSH with the CLI. I don’t need fancy interfaces, unless I use it as my local desktop workstation.