Manjaro KDE Plasma not showing taskbar or desktop after update

Hi @elvis.crego,

I think you will be able to do it from a chroot environment:

To enter a chroot environment

  1. Ensure you’ve got a relatively new ISO or at least one with a still supported LTS kernel.

  2. Write/copy/dd the ISO to a USB thumb drive.

  3. When done, boot with the above mentioned USB thumb drive into the live environment.

  4. Once booted, open a terminal and enter the following command to enter the chroot environment:

manjaro-chroot -a

If you have more than one Linux installation, select the correct one to use from the list provided.

If sucessfully done, you should now be in the chroot environment.

But, be careful, as you’re now in an actual root environment on your computer, so any changes you make will persist after a restart and can cause damage.

After that you need to re-sync the system. But this is the part I’m not :100: % certain about, so I’ll give you the safer and the more dangerous option.

Resync your system completely, from within the chroot environment:

sudo pacman-mirrors -f 5 && sudo pacman -Syyu && pamac upgrade --enable-downgrade --aur --devel

Wait for it to finish and if successful, exit the chroot environment:


And reboot.

If it isn’t OK after rebooting, enter the chroot environment as described above again, and use this command for the resync instead:

sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 5 && sudo pacman -Syyu && pamac upgrade --enable-downgrade --aur --devel --overwrite='*'

If it worked, feel free to heap on the praise. If it didn’t, welp, then I’m officially MIA.

Good luck!

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