Manjaro kde boot up into dark screen-need help

Manjaro KDE plasma. MSI GP602QE Leopard,

Previously my system frozen while i was using firefox and many other app. That forced me with only option to force shut down using power button. Since then, i can only boot into darkness (regardless i use other installed kernel or fallback kernel).
**However i can log into tty. **

**I have an archlinux boot live usb… However can’t use it on the broken laptop, Somehow no longer able to access to “F11 (boot device selection menu)” and “del (bios)” . Somehow the F11 and DEL which was working 2 years ago … today no longer works… i have no idea why. hence “live usb stick” is no longer an option.

I will provide info of my system and journalctl log of current boot.
However, I am using another computer to access forum to provide info and fetch info to troubleshoot. Both this working computer and broken computer are connected to a same network.
**First question:
How do i xfer info and logs from the broken computer (in tty) into an working computer ? is there cmdline cmd somehow can achieve the goal ?

After able to transfer the info or log into this working computer, i will post it into this forum.


That is great.

Transferring logs can be done using pastebin [HowTo] use public command-line pastebin services without installing anything! (ignore - it is digging a hole right now)

When logged into the tty - ensure your system is up-to-date

sudo pacman -Syu

Then post some basic system info

inxi -F | curl -F 'file=@-'

Provide the link

That said it is - mostly - related to gpu configuration - kernel modesetting - and most prominently with Nvidia gpu or dgpu.

Why cannot access firmware

  • that is a bit of mystery
  • but possibly related to the firmware expecting the efistub having a specific name in a specific location
  • windows requirements put into practise by vendor
  • which is not met and the system will not allow access to the firmware
  • sometimes it is the other way around

Of course I cannot be certain but it is a starting point.

1 Like

Sorry, i was trying to solve the problem, to access internet on the broken system. because i can’t even ping , however able to ping
Don’t know other method… I added in nameserver 8:8:8:8 into /etc/resolv.conf… that seems to do the job… but everytime i reboot, i will have to repeat… the setting is not permanent.

upgraded with $sudo pacman -Syu


Kernel: 5.4.270-1-MANJARO arch: x86_64 bits: 64
Console: tty 3 Distro: Manjaro Linux
Type: Desktop System: Micro-Star product: GP60 2QE v: REV:1.0 serial:
Mobo: Micro-Star model: MS-16GH v: REV:1.0 serial:
UEFI: American Megatrends v: E16GHIMS.10H date: 12/25/2014
ID-1: BAT1 charge: 727.3 Wh (100.0%) condition: 727.3/48.8 Wh (1489.2%)
Info: dual core model: Intel Core i5-4210H bits: 64 type: MT MCP cache: L2: 512 KiB
Speed (MHz): avg: 1144 min/max: 800/3500 cores: 1: 1313 2: 1016 3: 1172 4: 1078
Device-1: Intel 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics driver: i915 v: kernel
Device-2: NVIDIA GM108M [GeForce 940M] driver: nvidia v: 550.67
Display: server: v: with: Xwayland v: 23.2.6 driver: X: loaded: modesetting
failed: nvidia dri: crocus gpu: i915 tty: 240x67 resolution: 1: 1920x1080 2: 1920x1080
API: EGL v: 1.5 drivers: crocus,nvidia,swrast platforms: gbm,surfaceless,device
API: OpenGL v: 4.6.0 compat-v: 4.5 vendor: mesa v: 24.0.2-manjaro1.1
note: console (EGL sourced) renderer: Mesa Intel HD Graphics 4600 (HSW GT2), NVIDIA GeForce
940M/PCIe/SSE2, llvmpipe (LLVM 16.0.6 256 bits)
API: Vulkan v: 1.3.279 drivers: nvidia surfaces: N/A
Device-1: Intel Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor HD Audio driver: snd_hda_intel
Device-2: Intel 8 Series/C220 Series High Definition Audio driver: snd_hda_intel
API: ALSA v: k5.4.270-1-MANJARO status: kernel-api
Device-1: Qualcomm Atheros Killer E220x Gigabit Ethernet driver: alx
IF: enp3s0 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac:
Device-2: Intel Wireless 3160 driver: iwlwifi
IF: wlp5s0 state: down mac:
IF-ID-1: ipv6leakintrf0 state: unknown speed: N/A duplex: N/A mac:
Device-1: Intel Bluetooth wireless interface driver: btusb type: USB
Report: btmgmt ID: hci0 state: up address: bt-v: 4.0
Local Storage: total: 2.73 TiB used: 558.27 GiB (20.0%)
ID-1: /dev/sda vendor: Seagate model: ST2000LM015-2E8174 size: 1.82 TiB
ID-2: /dev/sdb vendor: Western Digital model: WDS100T2B0A-00SM50 size: 931.51 GiB
ID-1: / size: 915.53 GiB used: 558.26 GiB (61.0%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sdb2
ID-2: /boot/efi size: 299.4 MiB used: 6.1 MiB (2.0%) fs: vfat dev: /dev/sdb1
ID-1: swap-1 type: file size: 512 MiB used: 0 KiB (0.0%) file: /swapfile
System Temperatures: cpu: 45.0 C mobo: N/A gpu: nvidia temp: 37 C
Fan Speeds (rpm): N/A
Memory: total: 16 GiB available: 15.56 GiB used: 704.6 MiB (4.4%)
Processes: 149 Uptime: 1h 32m Init: systemd Shell: Bash inxi: 3.3.34


May 27 23:32:01 sudo[2831]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 27 23:32:01 sddm[2843]: Initializing…
May 27 23:32:01 sddm[2843]: Starting…
May 27 23:32:01 sddm[2843]: Logind interface found
May 27 23:32:01 sddm[2843]: Adding new display…
May 27 23:32:01 sddm[2843]: Loaded empty theme configuration
May 27 23:32:01 sddm[2843]: Xauthority path: “/run/sddm/xauth_IOiEHx”
May 27 23:32:01 sddm[2843]: Using VT 1
May 27 23:32:01 sddm[2843]: Display server starting…
May 27 23:32:01 sddm[2843]: Writing cookie to “/run/sddm/xauth_IOiEHx”
May 27 23:32:01 sddm[2843]: Running: /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -background none -seat seat0 vt1 -auth /run/sddm/xauth_IOiEHx -noreset -displayfd 16
May 27 23:32:02 kernel: nvidia 0000:01:00.0: Enabling HDA controller
May 27 23:32:03 sddm[2843]: Setting default cursor
May 27 23:32:03 sddm[2843]: Running display setup script “/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup”
May 27 23:32:03 sddm[2843]: Display server started.
May 27 23:32:03 sddm[2843]: Socket server starting…
May 27 23:32:03 sddm[2843]: Socket server started.
May 27 23:32:03 sddm[2843]: Loading theme configuration from “/usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/theme.conf”
May 27 23:32:03 sddm[2843]: Greeter starting…
May 27 23:32:03 sddm-helper[2856]: [PAM] Starting…
May 27 23:32:03 sddm-helper[2856]: [PAM] Authenticating…
May 27 23:32:03 sddm-helper[2856]: [PAM] returning.
May 27 23:32:03 sddm-helper[2856]: pam_unix(sddm-greeter:session): session opened for user sddm(uid=966) by (uid=0)
May 27 23:32:03 systemd-logind[520]: New session c2 of user sddm.
May 27 23:32:03 systemd[1]: Started Session c2 of User sddm.
May 27 23:32:03 sddm-helper[2856]: Writing cookie to “/tmp/xauth_fLdjZR”
May 27 23:32:03 sddm-helper[2856]: Starting X11 session: “” “/usr/bin/sddm-greeter-qt6 --socket /tmp/sddm-:0-PENBmn --theme /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze”
May 27 23:32:03 sddm[2843]: Greeter session started successfully
May 27 23:32:03 sddm-greeter-qt6[2857]: High-DPI autoscaling not Enabled
May 27 23:32:03 sddm-greeter-qt6[2857]: Reading from “/usr/share/wayland-sessions/gnome-wayland.desktop”
May 27 23:32:03 sddm-greeter-qt6[2857]: Reading from “/usr/share/wayland-sessions/gnome.desktop”
May 27 23:32:03 sddm-greeter-qt6[2857]: Reading from “/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop”
May 27 23:32:03 sddm-greeter-qt6[2857]: Reading from “/usr/share/xsessions/gnome-xorg.desktop”
May 27 23:32:03 sddm-greeter-qt6[2857]: Reading from “/usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop”
May 27 23:32:03 sddm-greeter-qt6[2857]: Reading from “/usr/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop”
May 27 23:32:03 sddm-greeter-qt6[2857]: Loading theme configuration from “/usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/theme.conf”
May 27 23:32:03 sddm-greeter-qt6[2857]: Connected to the daemon.
May 27 23:32:03 sddm[2843]: Message received from greeter: Connect
May 27 23:32:03 sddm-greeter-qt6[2857]: Loading file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/Main.qml…
May 27 23:32:04 sddm-greeter-qt6[2857]: Adding view for “:0.0” QRect(0,0 0x0)
May 27 23:32:04 sddm-greeter-qt6[2857]: Message received from daemon: Capabilities
May 27 23:32:04 sddm-greeter-qt6[2857]: Message received from daemon: HostName
May 27 23:32:18 systemd[1]: Started Getty on tty2.
May 27 23:32:18 agetty[2887]: failed to open credentials directory
May 27 23:33:04 sudo[2890]: user123 : TTY=tty3 ; PWD=/home/user123/sshfsTemp ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/systemctl restart sddm
May 27 23:33:04 sudo[2890]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by user123(uid=1000)
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2843]: Signal received: SIGTERM
May 27 23:33:04 systemd[1]: Stopping Simple Desktop Display Manager…
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2843]: Greeter stopping…
May 27 23:33:04 sddm-greeter-qt6[2857]: The X11 connection broke (error 1). Did the X11 server die?
May 27 23:33:04 sddm-helper[2856]: Signal received: SIGTERM
May 27 23:33:04 sddm-helper[2856]: [PAM] Closing session
May 27 23:33:04 sddm-helper[2856]: pam_unix(sddm-greeter:session): session closed for user sddm
May 27 23:33:04 sddm-helper[2856]: [PAM] Ended.
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2843]: Auth: sddm-helper exited with 255
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2843]: Greeter stopped. SDDM::Auth::HelperExitStatus(255)
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2843]: Socket server stopping…
May 27 23:33:04 systemd[1]: session-c2.scope: Deactivated successfully.
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2843]: Socket server stopped.
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2843]: Display server stopping…
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2843]: Display server stopped.
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2843]: Running display stop script QList(“/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xstop”)
May 27 23:33:04 systemd[1]: session-c2.scope: Consumed 12.020s CPU time.
May 27 23:33:04 systemd-logind[520]: Removed session c2.
May 27 23:33:04 systemd[1]: sddm.service: Deactivated successfully.
May 27 23:33:04 systemd[1]: Stopped Simple Desktop Display Manager.
May 27 23:33:04 systemd[1]: Started Simple Desktop Display Manager.
May 27 23:33:04 sudo[2890]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2898]: Initializing…
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2898]: Starting…
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2898]: Logind interface found
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2898]: Adding new display…
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2898]: Loaded empty theme configuration
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2898]: Xauthority path: “/run/sddm/xauth_eockpu”
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2898]: Using VT 1
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2898]: Display server starting…
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2898]: Writing cookie to “/run/sddm/xauth_eockpu”
May 27 23:33:04 sddm[2898]: Running: /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -background none -seat seat0 vt1 -auth /run/sddm/xauth_eockpu -noreset -displayfd 16
May 27 23:33:04 kernel: nvidia 0000:01:00.0: Enabling HDA controller
May 27 23:33:05 sddm[2898]: Setting default cursor
May 27 23:33:05 sddm[2898]: Running display setup script “/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup”
May 27 23:33:05 sddm[2898]: Display server started.
May 27 23:33:05 sddm[2898]: Socket server starting…
May 27 23:33:05 sddm[2898]: Socket server started.
May 27 23:33:05 sddm[2898]: Loading theme configuration from “/usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/theme.conf”
May 27 23:33:05 sddm[2898]: Greeter starting…
May 27 23:33:05 sddm-helper[2910]: [PAM] Starting…
May 27 23:33:05 sddm-helper[2910]: [PAM] Authenticating…
May 27 23:33:05 sddm-helper[2910]: [PAM] returning.
May 27 23:33:05 sddm-helper[2910]: pam_unix(sddm-greeter:session): session opened for user sddm(uid=966) by (uid=0)
May 27 23:33:05 systemd-logind[520]: New session c3 of user sddm.
May 27 23:33:05 systemd[1]: Started Session c3 of User sddm.
May 27 23:33:05 sddm-helper[2910]: Writing cookie to “/tmp/xauth_uueVto”
May 27 23:33:05 sddm-helper[2910]: Starting X11 session: “” “/usr/bin/sddm-greeter-qt6 --socket /tmp/sddm-:0-FTBTfk --theme /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze”
May 27 23:33:05 sddm[2898]: Greeter session started successfully
May 27 23:33:05 sddm-greeter-qt6[2911]: High-DPI autoscaling not Enabled
May 27 23:33:05 sddm-greeter-qt6[2911]: Reading from “/usr/share/wayland-sessions/gnome-wayland.desktop”
May 27 23:33:05 sddm-greeter-qt6[2911]: Reading from “/usr/share/wayland-sessions/gnome.desktop”
May 27 23:33:05 sddm-greeter-qt6[2911]: Reading from “/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasmawayland.desktop”
May 27 23:33:05 sddm-greeter-qt6[2911]: Reading from “/usr/share/xsessions/gnome-xorg.desktop”
May 27 23:33:05 sddm-greeter-qt6[2911]: Reading from “/usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop”
May 27 23:33:05 sddm-greeter-qt6[2911]: Reading from “/usr/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop”
May 27 23:33:05 sddm-greeter-qt6[2911]: Loading theme configuration from “/usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/theme.conf”
May 27 23:33:05 sddm-greeter-qt6[2911]: Connected to the daemon.
May 27 23:33:05 sddm[2898]: Message received from greeter: Connect
May 27 23:33:05 sddm-greeter-qt6[2911]: Loading file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/Main.qml…
May 27 23:33:06 sddm-greeter-qt6[2911]: Adding view for “:0.0” QRect(0,0 0x0)
May 27 23:33:06 sddm-greeter-qt6[2911]: Message received from daemon: Capabilities
May 27 23:33:06 sddm-greeter-qt6[2911]: Message received from daemon: HostName
May 27 23:33:10 kernel: [UFW BLOCK] IN=enp3s0 OUT= MAC=44:8a:5b:f2:c7:61:90:5c:44:dd:94:ac:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=125 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=58 ID=6613 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=6925 DPT=38939 LEN=105


F[ 2592.077] (–) Log file renamed from “/var/log/” to “/var/log/Xorg.0.log”
[ 2592.077]
X.Org X Server
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
[ 2592.077] Current Operating System: Linux manjaro-andrew-pc 5.15.158-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri May 3 03:58:36 UTC 2024 x86_64
[ 2592.077] Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64 root=UUID=0eef34c8-7ed8-4eb2-bffe-5f7e04864898 rw udev.log_priority=3
[ 2592.077]
[ 2592.077] Current version of pixman: 0.43.4
[ 2592.077] Before reporting problems, check
to make sure that you have the latest version.
[ 2592.077] Markers: (–) probed, () from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
[ 2592.077] (==) Log file: “/var/log/Xorg.0.log”, Time: Mon May 27 23:33:04 2024
[ 2592.077] (==) Using config file: “/etc/X11/xorg.conf”
[ 2592.077] (==) Using config directory: “/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d”
[ 2592.077] (==) Using system config directory “/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d”
[ 2592.077] (==) ServerLayout “layout”
[ 2592.077] (
) |–>Screen “Screen0” (0)
[ 2592.077] () | |–>Monitor “Monitor0”
[ 2592.078] (
) | |–>Device “Device0”
[ 2592.078] () | |–>GPUDevice “integrated”
[ 2592.078] (
) Allowing byte-swapped clients
[ 2592.078] (==) Automatically adding devices
[ 2592.078] (==) Automatically enabling devices
[ 2592.078] (==) Automatically adding GPU devices
[ 2592.078] (==) Automatically binding GPU devices
[ 2592.078] (==) Max clients allowed: 256, resource mask: 0x1fffff
[ 2592.078] (WW) The directory “/usr/share/fonts/OTF” does not exist.
[ 2592.078] Entry deleted from font path.
[ 2592.078] (WW) The directory “/usr/share/fonts/Type1” does not exist.
[ 2592.078] Entry deleted from font path.
[ 2592.078] (WW) The directory “/usr/share/fonts/100dpi” does not exist.
[ 2592.078] Entry deleted from font path.
[ 2592.078] (WW) The directory “/usr/share/fonts/75dpi” does not exist.
[ 2592.078] Entry deleted from font path.
[ 2592.078] (==) FontPath set to:
[ 2592.078] (==) ModulePath set to “/usr/lib/xorg/modules”
[ 2592.078] (II) The server relies on udev to provide the list of input devices.
If no devices become available, reconfigure udev or disable AutoAddDevices.
[ 2592.078] (II) Module ABI versions:
[ 2592.078] X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.4
[ 2592.078] X.Org Video Driver: 25.2
[ 2592.078] X.Org XInput driver : 24.4
[ 2592.078] X.Org Server Extension : 10.0
[ 2592.078] (++) using VT number 1

[ 2592.078] (II) systemd-logind: logind integration requires -keeptty and -keeptty was not provided, disabling logind integration
[ 2592.079] (II) xfree86: Adding drm device (/dev/dri/card0)
[ 2592.079] (II) Platform probe for /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.0/drm/card0
[ 2592.091] (–) PCI:*(0@0:2:0) 8086:0416:1462:1113 rev 6, Mem @ 0xf7400000/4194304, 0xd0000000/268435456, I/O @ 0x0000f000/64, BIOS @ 0x???/131072
[ 2592.091] (–) PCI: (1@0:0:0) 10de:1347:1462:1113 rev 162, Mem @ 0xf6000000/16777216, 0xe0000000/268435456, 0xf0000000/33554432, I/O @ 0x0000e000/128, BIOS @ 0x???/524288
[ 2592.091] (WW) Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or directory)
[ 2592.091] (II) LoadModule: “glx”
[ 2592.091] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
[ 2592.092] (II) Module glx: vendor=“X.Org Foundation”
[ 2592.092] compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
[ 2592.092] ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 10.0
[ 2592.092] (II) LoadModule: “nvidia”
[ 2592.092] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
[ 2592.093] (II) Module nvidia: vendor=“NVIDIA Corporation”
[ 2592.093] compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
[ 2592.093] Module class: X.Org Video Driver
[ 2592.093] (II) LoadModule: “modesetting”
[ 2592.093] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
[ 2592.093] (II) Module modesetting: vendor=“X.Org Foundation”
[ 2592.093] compiled for, module version = 1.21.1
[ 2592.093] Module class: X.Org Video Driver
[ 2592.093] ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 25.2
[ 2592.093] (II) NVIDIA dlloader X Driver 550.78 Sun Apr 14 06:27:13 UTC 2024
[ 2592.093] (II) NVIDIA Unified Driver for all Supported NVIDIA GPUs
[ 2592.093] (II) modesetting: Driver for Modesetting Kernel Drivers: kms
[ 2592.109] (II) Loading sub module “fb”
[ 2592.110] (II) LoadModule: “fb”
[ 2592.110] (II) Module “fb” already built-in
[ 2592.110] (II) Loading sub module “wfb”
[ 2592.110] (II) LoadModule: “wfb”
[ 2592.110] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
[ 2592.110] (II) Module wfb: vendor=“X.Org Foundation”
[ 2592.110] compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
[ 2592.110] ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
[ 2592.123] (II) modeset(G0): using drv /dev/dri/card0
[ 2592.123] () NVIDIA(0): Depth 24, (–) framebuffer bpp 32
[ 2592.123] (==) NVIDIA(0): RGB weight 888
[ 2592.123] (==) NVIDIA(0): Default visual is TrueColor
[ 2592.123] (==) NVIDIA(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[ 2592.123] (
) Option “AllowNVIDIAGpuScreens”
[ 2592.123] () NVIDIA(0): Enabling 2D acceleration
[ 2592.123] (II) Loading sub module “glxserver_nvidia”
[ 2592.123] (II) LoadModule: “glxserver_nvidia”
[ 2592.123] (WW) Warning, couldn’t open module glxserver_nvidia
[ 2592.123] (EE) NVIDIA: Failed to load module “glxserver_nvidia” (module does not exist, 0)
[ 2592.123] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the GLX module; please check in your X
[ 2592.123] (EE) NVIDIA(0): log file that the GLX module has been loaded in your X
[ 2592.123] (EE) NVIDIA(0): server, and that the module is the NVIDIA GLX module. If
[ 2592.123] (EE) NVIDIA(0): you continue to encounter problems, Please try
[ 2592.123] (EE) NVIDIA(0): reinstalling the NVIDIA driver.
[ 2592.123] (II) NVIDIA: The X server does not support PRIME Render Offload.
[ 2592.256] (WW) NVIDIA: No DRM device: Direct render devices found but none could be
[ 2592.256] (WW) NVIDIA: used.
[ 2592.256] (II) NVIDIA(0): NVIDIA GPU NVIDIA GeForce 940M (GM108-A) at PCI:1:0:0 (GPU-0)
[ 2592.256] (–) NVIDIA(0): Memory: 2097152 kBytes
[ 2592.256] (–) NVIDIA(0): VideoBIOS: 82.08.3b.00.0b
[ 2592.256] (II) NVIDIA(0): Detected PCI Express Link width: 4X
[ 2592.256] (II) NVIDIA(0): Validated MetaModes:
[ 2592.256] (II) NVIDIA(0): “NULL”
[ 2592.256] (II) NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size determined to be 640 x 480
[ 2592.256] (WW) NVIDIA(0): Unable to get display device for DPI computation.
[ 2592.256] (==) NVIDIA(0): DPI set to (75, 75); computed from built-in default
[ 2592.257] (
) modeset(G0): Depth 24, (–) framebuffer bpp 32
[ 2592.257] (==) modeset(G0): RGB weight 888
[ 2592.257] (==) modeset(G0): Default visual is TrueColor
[ 2592.257] (II) Loading sub module “glamoregl”
[ 2592.257] (II) LoadModule: “glamoregl”
[ 2592.257] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
[ 2592.260] (II) Module glamoregl: vendor=“X.Org Foundation”
[ 2592.260] compiled for, module version = 1.0.1
[ 2592.260] ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.4
[ 2592.290] (II) modeset(G0): glamor X acceleration enabled on Mesa Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 (HSW GT2)
[ 2592.290] (II) modeset(G0): glamor initialized
[ 2592.291] (II) modeset(G0): Output eDP-1-1 using monitor section Monitor0
[ 2592.292] (II) modeset(G0): Output VGA-1-1 has no monitor section
[ 2592.318] (II) modeset(G0): Output HDMI-1-1 has no monitor section
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): EDID for output eDP-1-1
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Manufacturer: CMN Model: 15c0 Serial#: 0
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Year: 2013 Week: 4
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): EDID Version: 1.4
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Digital Display Input
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): 6 bits per channel
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Digital interface is DisplayPort
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Max Image Size [cm]: horiz.: 34 vert.: 19
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Gamma: 2.20
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): No DPMS capabilities specified
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Supported color encodings: RGB 4:4:4
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): First detailed timing is preferred mode
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Preferred mode is native pixel format and refresh rate
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): redX: 0.618 redY: 0.340 greenX: 0.341 greenY: 0.580
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): blueX: 0.152 blueY: 0.081 whiteX: 0.313 whiteY: 0.329
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Manufacturer’s mask: 0
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Supported detailed timing:
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): clock: 151.6 MHz Image Size: 344 x 194 mm
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): h_active: 1920 h_sync: 2010 h_sync_end 2070 h_blank_end 2220 h_border: 0
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): v_active: 1080 v_sync: 1086 v_sync_end 1095 v_blanking: 1138 v_border: 0
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): N156HGE-EA1
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): CMN
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): N156HGE-EA1
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): EDID (in hex):
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): 00ffffffffffff000daec01500000000
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): 04170104952213780246359e57579427
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): 14505400000001010101010101010101
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): 010101010101383b802c71383a405a3c
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): 690058c210000018000000fe004e3135
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): 364847452d4541310a20000000fe0043
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): 4d4e0a202020202020202020000000fe
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): 004e3135364847452d4541310a2000ab
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Printing probed modes for output eDP-1-1
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1920x1080"x60.0 151.60 1920 2010 2070 2220 1080 1086 1095 1138 -hsync -vsync (68.3 kHz eP)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1920x1080"x119.9 266.50 1920 1944 1960 2000 1080 1081 1084 1111 doublescan +hsync -vsync (133.2 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1920x1080"x60.0 173.00 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync (67.2 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1920x1080"x59.9 138.50 1920 1968 2000 2080 1080 1083 1088 1111 +hsync -vsync (66.6 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1680x1050"x60.0 146.25 1680 1784 1960 2240 1050 1053 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync (65.3 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1680x1050"x59.9 119.00 1680 1728 1760 1840 1050 1053 1059 1080 +hsync -vsync (64.7 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1400x1050"x60.0 122.00 1400 1488 1640 1880 1050 1052 1064 1082 +hsync +vsync (64.9 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1600x900"x120.0 246.00 1600 1728 1900 2200 900 901 904 932 doublescan -hsync +vsync (111.8 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1600x900"x119.9 186.50 1600 1624 1640 1680 900 901 904 926 doublescan +hsync -vsync (111.0 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1600x900"x59.9 118.25 1600 1696 1856 2112 900 903 908 934 -hsync +vsync (56.0 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1600x900"x59.8 97.50 1600 1648 1680 1760 900 903 908 926 +hsync -vsync (55.4 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1280x1024"x60.0 108.00 1280 1328 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1400x900"x60.0 103.50 1400 1480 1624 1848 900 903 913 934 -hsync +vsync (56.0 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1400x900"x59.9 86.50 1400 1448 1480 1560 900 903 913 926 +hsync -vsync (55.4 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1280x960"x60.0 108.00 1280 1376 1488 1800 960 961 964 1000 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1440x810"x120.0 198.12 1440 1548 1704 1968 810 811 814 839 doublescan -hsync +vsync (100.7 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1440x810"x119.9 151.88 1440 1464 1480 1520 810 811 814 833 doublescan +hsync -vsync (99.9 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1368x768"x59.9 85.25 1368 1440 1576 1784 768 771 781 798 -hsync +vsync (47.8 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1368x768"x59.9 72.25 1368 1416 1448 1528 768 771 781 790 +hsync -vsync (47.3 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1280x800"x120.0 174.25 1280 1380 1516 1752 800 801 804 829 doublescan -hsync +vsync (99.5 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1280x800"x119.9 134.25 1280 1304 1320 1360 800 801 804 823 doublescan +hsync -vsync (98.7 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1280x800"x59.8 83.50 1280 1352 1480 1680 800 803 809 831 -hsync +vsync (49.7 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1280x800"x59.9 71.00 1280 1328 1360 1440 800 803 809 823 +hsync -vsync (49.3 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1280x720"x120.0 156.12 1280 1376 1512 1744 720 721 724 746 doublescan -hsync +vsync (89.5 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1280x720"x120.0 120.75 1280 1304 1320 1360 720 721 724 740 doublescan +hsync -vsync (88.8 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1280x720"x59.9 74.50 1280 1344 1472 1664 720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync (44.8 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1280x720"x59.7 63.75 1280 1328 1360 1440 720 723 728 741 +hsync -vsync (44.3 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1024x768"x120.1 133.47 1024 1100 1212 1400 768 768 770 794 doublescan -hsync +vsync (95.3 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1024x768"x60.0 65.00 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "960x720"x120.0 117.00 960 1024 1128 1300 720 720 722 750 doublescan -hsync +vsync (90.0 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "928x696"x120.1 109.15 928 976 1088 1264 696 696 698 719 doublescan -hsync +vsync (86.4 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "896x672"x120.0 102.40 896 960 1060 1224 672 672 674 697 doublescan -hsync +vsync (83.7 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1024x576"x119.9 98.50 1024 1092 1200 1376 576 577 580 597 doublescan -hsync +vsync (71.6 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1024x576"x119.9 78.38 1024 1048 1064 1104 576 577 580 592 doublescan +hsync -vsync (71.0 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1024x576"x59.9 46.50 1024 1064 1160 1296 576 579 584 599 -hsync +vsync (35.9 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1024x576"x59.8 42.00 1024 1072 1104 1184 576 579 584 593 +hsync -vsync (35.5 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "960x600"x119.9 96.62 960 1028 1128 1296 600 601 604 622 doublescan -hsync +vsync (74.6 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "960x600"x120.0 77.00 960 984 1000 1040 600 601 604 617 doublescan +hsync -vsync (74.0 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "960x540"x119.9 86.50 960 1024 1124 1288 540 541 544 560 doublescan -hsync +vsync (67.2 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "960x540"x120.0 69.25 960 984 1000 1040 540 541 544 555 doublescan +hsync -vsync (66.6 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "960x540"x59.6 40.75 960 992 1088 1216 540 543 548 562 -hsync +vsync (33.5 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "960x540"x59.8 37.25 960 1008 1040 1120 540 543 548 556 +hsync -vsync (33.3 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "800x600"x120.0 81.00 800 832 928 1080 600 600 602 625 doublescan +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "800x600"x60.3 40.00 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "800x600"x56.2 36.00 800 824 896 1024 600 601 603 625 +hsync +vsync (35.2 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "840x525"x120.0 73.12 840 892 980 1120 525 526 529 544 doublescan -hsync +vsync (65.3 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "840x525"x119.8 59.50 840 864 880 920 525 526 529 540 doublescan +hsync -vsync (64.7 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "864x486"x59.9 32.50 864 888 968 1072 486 489 494 506 -hsync +vsync (30.3 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "864x486"x59.6 30.50 864 912 944 1024 486 489 494 500 +hsync -vsync (29.8 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "700x525"x120.0 61.00 700 744 820 940 525 526 532 541 doublescan +hsync +vsync (64.9 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "800x450"x119.9 59.12 800 848 928 1056 450 451 454 467 doublescan -hsync +vsync (56.0 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "800x450"x119.6 48.75 800 824 840 880 450 451 454 463 doublescan +hsync -vsync (55.4 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "640x512"x120.0 54.00 640 664 720 844 512 512 514 533 doublescan +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "700x450"x119.9 51.75 700 740 812 924 450 451 456 467 doublescan -hsync +vsync (56.0 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "700x450"x119.8 43.25 700 724 740 780 450 451 456 463 doublescan +hsync -vsync (55.4 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "640x480"x120.0 54.00 640 688 744 900 480 480 482 500 doublescan +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "640x480"x59.9 25.18 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "720x405"x59.5 22.50 720 744 808 896 405 408 413 422 -hsync +vsync (25.1 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "720x405"x59.0 21.75 720 768 800 880 405 408 413 419 +hsync -vsync (24.7 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "684x384"x119.8 42.62 684 720 788 892 384 385 390 399 doublescan -hsync +vsync (47.8 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "684x384"x119.7 36.12 684 708 724 764 384 385 390 395 doublescan +hsync -vsync (47.3 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "640x400"x119.8 41.75 640 676 740 840 400 401 404 415 doublescan -hsync +vsync (49.7 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "640x400"x120.0 35.50 640 664 680 720 400 401 404 411 doublescan +hsync -vsync (49.3 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "640x360"x119.7 37.25 640 672 736 832 360 361 364 374 doublescan -hsync +vsync (44.8 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "640x360"x119.7 31.88 640 664 680 720 360 361 364 370 doublescan +hsync -vsync (44.3 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "640x360"x59.8 18.00 640 664 720 800 360 363 368 376 -hsync +vsync (22.5 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "640x360"x59.3 17.75 640 688 720 800 360 363 368 374 +hsync -vsync (22.2 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "512x384"x120.0 32.50 512 524 592 672 384 385 388 403 doublescan -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "512x288"x120.0 23.25 512 532 580 648 288 289 292 299 doublescan -hsync +vsync (35.9 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "512x288"x119.8 21.00 512 536 552 592 288 289 292 296 doublescan +hsync -vsync (35.5 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "480x270"x119.3 20.38 480 496 544 608 270 271 274 281 doublescan -hsync +vsync (33.5 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "480x270"x119.6 18.62 480 504 520 560 270 271 274 278 doublescan +hsync -vsync (33.3 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "400x300"x120.6 20.00 400 420 484 528 300 300 302 314 doublescan +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "400x300"x112.7 18.00 400 412 448 512 300 300 301 312 doublescan +hsync +vsync (35.2 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "432x243"x119.8 16.25 432 444 484 536 243 244 247 253 doublescan -hsync +vsync (30.3 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "432x243"x119.1 15.25 432 456 472 512 243 244 247 250 doublescan +hsync -vsync (29.8 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "320x240"x120.1 12.59 320 328 376 400 240 245 246 262 doublescan -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "360x202"x119.0 11.25 360 372 404 448 202 204 206 211 doublescan -hsync +vsync (25.1 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "360x202"x118.3 10.88 360 384 400 440 202 204 206 209 doublescan +hsync -vsync (24.7 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "320x180"x119.7 9.00 320 332 360 400 180 181 184 188 doublescan -hsync +vsync (22.5 kHz d)
[ 2592.320] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "320x180"x118.6 8.88 320 344 360 400 180 181 184 187 doublescan +hsync -vsync (22.2 kHz d)
[ 2592.322] (II) modeset(G0): EDID for output VGA-1-1
[ 2592.348] (II) Quirked EDID physical size to 0x0 cm
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): EDID for output HDMI-1-1
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Manufacturer: SAM Model: 5cd Serial#: 1280455220
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Year: 2009 Week: 46
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): EDID Version: 1.3
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Digital Display Input
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Indeterminate output size
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Gamma: 2.20
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): DPMS capabilities: Off
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Supported color encodings: RGB 4:4:4 YCrCb 4:4:4
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): First detailed timing is preferred mode
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): redX: 0.649 redY: 0.338 greenX: 0.289 greenY: 0.609
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): blueX: 0.146 blueY: 0.070 whiteX: 0.312 whiteY: 0.329
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Supported established timings:
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 640x480@60Hz
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 800x600@56Hz
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 800x600@60Hz
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 1024x768@60Hz
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Manufacturer’s mask: 0
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Supported standard timings:
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): #0: hsize: 1600 vsize 1200 refresh: 60 vid: 16553
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): #1: hsize: 1280 vsize 1024 refresh: 60 vid: 32897
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): #2: hsize: 1280 vsize 960 refresh: 60 vid: 16513
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): #3: hsize: 1280 vsize 800 refresh: 60 vid: 129
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): #4: hsize: 1440 vsize 900 refresh: 60 vid: 149
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): #5: hsize: 1680 vsize 1050 refresh: 60 vid: 179
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Supported detailed timing:
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): clock: 148.5 MHz Image Size: 160 x 90 mm
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): h_active: 1920 h_sync: 2008 h_sync_end 2052 h_blank_end 2200 h_border: 0
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): v_active: 1080 v_sync: 1084 v_sync_end 1089 v_blanking: 1125 v_border: 0
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Supported detailed timing:
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): clock: 74.2 MHz Image Size: 160 x 90 mm
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): h_active: 1280 h_sync: 1390 h_sync_end 1430 h_blank_end 1650 h_border: 0
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): v_active: 720 v_sync: 725 v_sync_end 730 v_blanking: 750 v_border: 0
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Ranges: V min: 50 V max: 60 Hz, H min: 30 H max: 81 kHz, PixClock max 175 MHz
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Monitor name: SyncMaster
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Supported detailed timing:
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): clock: 74.2 MHz Image Size: 160 x 90 mm
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): h_active: 1920 h_sync: 2448 h_sync_end 2492 h_blank_end 2640 h_border: 0
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): v_active: 540 v_sync: 542 v_sync_end 547 v_blanking: 562 v_border: 0
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Supported detailed timing:
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): clock: 74.2 MHz Image Size: 160 x 90 mm
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): h_active: 1920 h_sync: 2008 h_sync_end 2052 h_blank_end 2200 h_border: 0
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): v_active: 540 v_sync: 542 v_sync_end 547 v_blanking: 562 v_border: 0
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Supported detailed timing:
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): clock: 74.2 MHz Image Size: 160 x 90 mm
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): h_active: 1280 h_sync: 1720 h_sync_end 1760 h_blank_end 1980 h_border: 0
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): v_active: 720 v_sync: 725 v_sync_end 730 v_blanking: 750 v_border: 0
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Supported detailed timing:
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): clock: 27.0 MHz Image Size: 160 x 90 mm
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): h_active: 720 h_sync: 732 h_sync_end 796 h_blank_end 864 h_border: 0
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): v_active: 576 v_sync: 581 v_sync_end 586 v_blanking: 625 v_border: 0
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Supported detailed timing:
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): clock: 27.0 MHz Image Size: 160 x 90 mm
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): h_active: 720 h_sync: 736 h_sync_end 798 h_blank_end 858 h_border: 0
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): v_active: 480 v_sync: 489 v_sync_end 495 v_blanking: 525 v_border: 0
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Number of EDID sections to follow: 1
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): EDID (in hex):
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 00ffffffffffff004c2dcd053432524c
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 2e130103801009782a6041a6564a9c25
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 125054230800a9408180814081009500
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): b30001010101023a801871382d40582c
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 4500a05a0000001e011d007251d01e20
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 6e285500a05a0000001e000000fd0032
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 3c1e5111000a202020202020000000fc
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 0053796e634d61737465720a20200174
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 02031cf14890041f0514130312230907
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 078301000066030c00100080011d80d0
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 721c1620102c2580a05a0000009e011d
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 8018711c1620582c2500a05a0000009e
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 011d00bc52d01e20b8285540a05a0000
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 001e8c0ad090204031200c405500a05a
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): 000000188c0ad08a20e02d10103e9600
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): a05a0000001800000000000000000046
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Printing probed modes for output HDMI-1-1
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1920x1080"x60.0 148.50 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.5 kHz eP)
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1920x1080"x50.0 148.50 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (56.2 kHz e)
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1920x1080"x59.9 148.35 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync +vsync (67.4 kHz e)
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x60.0 74.25 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.8 kHz e)
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x50.0 74.25 1920 2448 2492 2640 1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (28.1 kHz e)
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1920x1080i"x59.9 74.18 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync (33.7 kHz e)
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1600x1200"x60.0 162.00 1600 1664 1856 2160 1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync (75.0 kHz e)
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1680x1050"x59.9 119.00 1680 1728 1760 1840 1050 1053 1059 1080 +hsync -vsync (64.7 kHz e)
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1280x1024"x60.0 108.00 1280 1328 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync (64.0 kHz e)
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1440x900"x59.9 88.75 1440 1488 1520 1600 900 903 909 926 +hsync -vsync (55.5 kHz e)
[ 2592.348] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1280x960"x60.0 108.00 1280 1376 1488 1800 960 961 964 1000 +hsync +vsync (60.0 kHz e)
[ 2592.349] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1280x800"x59.9 71.00 1280 1328 1360 1440 800 803 809 823 +hsync -vsync (49.3 kHz e)
[ 2592.349] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1280x720"x60.0 74.25 1280 1390 1430 1650 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 2592.349] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1280x720"x50.0 74.25 1280 1720 1760 1980 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (37.5 kHz e)
[ 2592.349] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1280x720"x59.9 74.18 1280 1390 1430 1650 720 725 730 750 +hsync +vsync (45.0 kHz e)
[ 2592.349] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "1024x768"x60.0 65.00 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync (48.4 kHz e)
[ 2592.349] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "800x600"x60.3 40.00 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync (37.9 kHz e)
[ 2592.349] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "800x600"x56.2 36.00 800 824 896 1024 600 601 603 625 +hsync +vsync (35.2 kHz e)
[ 2592.349] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "720x576"x50.0 27.00 720 732 796 864 576 581 586 625 -hsync -vsync (31.2 kHz e)
[ 2592.349] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "720x480"x60.0 27.03 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 2592.349] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "720x480"x59.9 27.00 720 736 798 858 480 489 495 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 2592.349] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "640x480"x60.0 25.20 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 2592.349] (II) modeset(G0): Modeline "640x480"x59.9 25.18 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync (31.5 kHz e)
[ 2592.349] (==) modeset(G0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[ 2592.349] (==) modeset(G0): DPI set to (96, 96)
[ 2592.349] (II) Loading sub module “fb”
[ 2592.349] (II) LoadModule: “fb”
[ 2592.349] (II) Module “fb” already built-in
[ 2592.349] (II) NVIDIA: Reserving 6144.00 MB of virtual memory for indirect memory
[ 2592.349] (II) NVIDIA: access.
[ 2592.352] (II) NVIDIA(0): ACPI: failed to connect to the ACPI event daemon; the daemon
[ 2592.352] (II) NVIDIA(0): may not be running or the “AcpidSocketPath” X
[ 2592.352] (II) NVIDIA(0): configuration option may not be set correctly. When the
[ 2592.352] (II) NVIDIA(0): ACPI event daemon is available, the NVIDIA X driver will
[ 2592.352] (II) NVIDIA(0): try to use it to receive ACPI event notifications. For
[ 2592.352] (II) NVIDIA(0): details, please see the “ConnectToAcpid” and
[ 2592.352] (II) NVIDIA(0): “AcpidSocketPath” X configuration options in Appendix B: X
[ 2592.352] (II) NVIDIA(0): Config Options in the README.
[ 2592.371] (II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode “NULL”
[ 2592.373] (==) NVIDIA(0): Disabling shared memory pixmaps
[ 2592.373] (==) NVIDIA(0): Backing store enabled
[ 2592.373] (==) NVIDIA(0): Silken mouse enabled
[ 2592.373] () NVIDIA(0): DPMS enabled
[ 2592.374] (II) Loading sub module “dri2”
[ 2592.374] (II) LoadModule: “dri2”
[ 2592.374] (II) Module “dri2” already built-in
[ 2592.374] (II) NVIDIA(0): [DRI2] Setup complete
[ 2592.374] (II) NVIDIA(0): [DRI2] VDPAU driver: nvidia
[ 2592.385] (==) modeset(G0): Backing store enabled
[ 2592.385] (==) modeset(G0): Silken mouse enabled
[ 2592.573] (II) modeset(G0): Initializing kms color map for depth 24, 8 bpc.
[ 2592.573] (
) modeset(G0): DPMS enabled
[ 2592.573] (WW) modeset(G0): Option “DRI” is not used
[ 2592.573] (II) modeset(G0): [DRI2] Setup complete
[ 2592.573] (II) modeset(G0): [DRI2] DRI driver: crocus
[ 2592.573] (II) modeset(G0): [DRI2] VDPAU driver: va_gl
[ 2592.573] (II) modeset(G0): Disable reverse prime offload mode for i915.
[ 2592.573] (II) Initializing extension Generic Event Extension
[ 2592.573] (II) Initializing extension SHAPE
[ 2592.573] (II) Initializing extension MIT-SHM
[ 2592.573] (II) Initializing extension XInputExtension
[ 2592.573] (II) Initializing extension XTEST
[ 2592.574] (II) Initializing extension BIG-REQUESTS
[ 2592.574] (II) Initializing extension SYNC
[ 2592.574] (II) Initializing extension XKEYBOARD
[ 2592.574] (II) Initializing extension XC-MISC
[ 2592.574] (II) Initializing extension SECURITY
[ 2592.574] (II) Initializing extension XFIXES
[ 2592.574] (II) Initializing extension RENDER
[ 2592.575] (II) Initializing extension RANDR
[ 2592.575] (II) Initializing extension COMPOSITE
[ 2592.575] (II) Initializing extension DAMAGE
[ 2592.575] (II) Initializing extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
[ 2592.575] (II) Initializing extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
[ 2592.575] (II) Initializing extension RECORD
[ 2592.575] (II) Initializing extension DPMS
[ 2592.575] (II) Initializing extension Present
[ 2592.576] (II) Initializing extension DRI3
[ 2592.576] (II) Initializing extension X-Resource
[ 2592.576] (II) Initializing extension XVideo
[ 2592.576] (II) Initializing extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
[ 2592.576] (II) Initializing extension GLX
[ 2592.576] (II) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI2 capable
[ 2592.581] (II) IGLX: Loaded and initialized swrast
[ 2592.581] (II) GLX: Initialized DRISWRAST GL provider for screen 0
[ 2592.581] (II) Initializing extension XFree86-VidModeExtension
[ 2592.581] (II) Initializing extension XFree86-DGA
[ 2592.581] (II) Initializing extension XFree86-DRI
[ 2592.581] (II) Initializing extension DRI2
[ 2592.581] (II) Initializing extension NV-GLX
[ 2592.581] (II) Initializing extension NV-CONTROL
[ 2592.858] (II) modeset(G0): Damage tracking initialized
[ 2592.910] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Power Button (/dev/input/event3)
[ 2592.910] () Power Button: Applying InputClass “evdev keyboard catchall”
[ 2592.910] (
) Power Button: Applying InputClass “libinput keyboard catchall”
[ 2592.910] () Power Button: Applying InputClass “system-keyboard”
[ 2592.910] (II) LoadModule: “libinput”
[ 2592.910] (II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/
[ 2592.911] (II) Module libinput: vendor=“X.Org Foundation”
[ 2592.911] compiled for, module version = 1.4.0
[ 2592.911] Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
[ 2592.911] ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 24.4
[ 2592.911] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘Power Button’
[ 2592.911] (
) Power Button: always reports core events
[ 2592.911] () Option “Device” “/dev/input/event3”
[ 2592.913] (II) event3 - Power Button: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2592.913] (II) event3 - Power Button: device is a keyboard
[ 2592.913] (II) event3 - Power Button: device removed
[ 2592.933] (
) Option “config_info” “udev:/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input3/event3”
[ 2592.933] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device “Power Button” (type: KEYBOARD, id 6)
[ 2592.933] () Option “xkb_layout” “us”
[ 2592.934] (II) event3 - Power Button: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2592.935] (II) event3 - Power Button: device is a keyboard
[ 2592.935] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Video Bus (/dev/input/event13)
[ 2592.935] (
) Video Bus: Applying InputClass “evdev keyboard catchall”
[ 2592.935] () Video Bus: Applying InputClass “libinput keyboard catchall”
[ 2592.935] (
) Video Bus: Applying InputClass “system-keyboard”
[ 2592.935] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘Video Bus’
[ 2592.935] () Video Bus: always reports core events
[ 2592.935] (
) Option “Device” “/dev/input/event13”
[ 2592.936] (II) event13 - Video Bus: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2592.936] (II) event13 - Video Bus: device is a keyboard
[ 2592.936] (II) event13 - Video Bus: device removed
[ 2592.976] () Option “config_info” “udev:/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A08:00/LNXVIDEO:01/input/input15/event13”
[ 2592.976] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device “Video Bus” (type: KEYBOARD, id 7)
[ 2592.976] (
) Option “xkb_layout” “us”
[ 2592.977] (II) event13 - Video Bus: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2592.977] (II) event13 - Video Bus: device is a keyboard
[ 2592.978] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Lid Switch (/dev/input/event0)
[ 2592.978] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[ 2592.978] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[ 2592.978] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Video Bus (/dev/input/event12)
[ 2592.978] () Video Bus: Applying InputClass “evdev keyboard catchall”
[ 2592.978] (
) Video Bus: Applying InputClass “libinput keyboard catchall”
[ 2592.978] () Video Bus: Applying InputClass “system-keyboard”
[ 2592.978] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘Video Bus’
[ 2592.978] (
) Video Bus: always reports core events
[ 2592.978] () Option “Device” “/dev/input/event12”
[ 2592.979] (II) event12 - Video Bus: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2592.979] (II) event12 - Video Bus: device is a keyboard
[ 2592.979] (II) event12 - Video Bus: device removed
[ 2593.029] (
) Option “config_info” “udev:/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A08:00/device:4f/LNXVIDEO:00/input/input14/event12”
[ 2593.029] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device “Video Bus” (type: KEYBOARD, id 8)
[ 2593.029] () Option “xkb_layout” “us”
[ 2593.031] (II) event12 - Video Bus: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2593.031] (II) event12 - Video Bus: device is a keyboard
[ 2593.031] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Power Button (/dev/input/event1)
[ 2593.031] (
) Power Button: Applying InputClass “evdev keyboard catchall”
[ 2593.031] () Power Button: Applying InputClass “libinput keyboard catchall”
[ 2593.031] (
) Power Button: Applying InputClass “system-keyboard”
[ 2593.031] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘Power Button’
[ 2593.031] () Power Button: always reports core events
[ 2593.031] (
) Option “Device” “/dev/input/event1”
[ 2593.032] (II) event1 - Power Button: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2593.032] (II) event1 - Power Button: device is a keyboard
[ 2593.032] (II) event1 - Power Button: device removed
[ 2593.046] () Option “config_info” “udev:/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0C:00/input/input1/event1”
[ 2593.046] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device “Power Button” (type: KEYBOARD, id 9)
[ 2593.046] (
) Option “xkb_layout” “us”
[ 2593.047] (II) event1 - Power Button: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2593.047] (II) event1 - Power Button: device is a keyboard
[ 2593.048] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Sleep Button (/dev/input/event2)
[ 2593.048] () Sleep Button: Applying InputClass “evdev keyboard catchall”
[ 2593.048] (
) Sleep Button: Applying InputClass “libinput keyboard catchall”
[ 2593.048] () Sleep Button: Applying InputClass “system-keyboard”
[ 2593.048] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘Sleep Button’
[ 2593.048] (
) Sleep Button: always reports core events
[ 2593.048] () Option “Device” “/dev/input/event2”
[ 2593.048] (II) event2 - Sleep Button: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2593.048] (II) event2 - Sleep Button: device is a keyboard
[ 2593.049] (II) event2 - Sleep Button: device removed
[ 2593.060] (
) Option “config_info” “udev:/sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0C0E:00/input/input2/event2”
[ 2593.060] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device “Sleep Button” (type: KEYBOARD, id 10)
[ 2593.060] () Option “xkb_layout” “us”
[ 2593.060] (II) event2 - Sleep Button: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2593.061] (II) event2 - Sleep Button: device is a keyboard
[ 2593.061] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel HDMI HDMI/DP,pcm=3 (/dev/input/event15)
[ 2593.061] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[ 2593.061] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[ 2593.062] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel HDMI HDMI/DP,pcm=7 (/dev/input/event16)
[ 2593.062] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[ 2593.062] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[ 2593.062] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel HDMI HDMI/DP,pcm=8 (/dev/input/event17)
[ 2593.062] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[ 2593.062] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[ 2593.062] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel HDMI HDMI/DP,pcm=9 (/dev/input/event18)
[ 2593.062] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[ 2593.062] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[ 2593.062] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel HDMI HDMI/DP,pcm=10 (/dev/input/event19)
[ 2593.062] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[ 2593.063] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[ 2593.063] (II) config/udev: Adding input device PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse (/dev/input/event4)
[ 2593.063] (
) PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse: Applying InputClass “evdev pointer catchall”
[ 2593.063] () PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse: Applying InputClass “libinput pointer catchall”
[ 2593.063] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse’
[ 2593.063] (
) PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse: always reports core events
[ 2593.063] () Option “Device” “/dev/input/event4”
[ 2593.064] (II) event4 - PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse: is tagged by udev as: Mouse
[ 2593.064] (II) event4 - PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse: device is a pointer
[ 2593.065] (II) event4 - PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse: device removed
[ 2593.103] (II) libinput: PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse: Step value 0 was provided, libinput Fallback acceleration function is used.
[ 2593.103] (II) libinput: PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse: Step value 0 was provided, libinput Fallback acceleration function is used.
[ 2593.103] (II) libinput: PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse: Step value 0 was provided, libinput Fallback acceleration function is used.
[ 2593.103] (
) Option “config_info” “udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.2/1-1.2:1.0/0003:045E:00CB.0001/input/input5/event4”
[ 2593.103] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device “PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse” (type: MOUSE, id 11)
[ 2593.103] () Option “AccelerationScheme” “none”
[ 2593.103] (
) PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse: (accel) selected scheme none/0
[ 2593.103] () PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
[ 2593.103] (
) PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
[ 2593.104] (II) event4 - PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse: is tagged by udev as: Mouse
[ 2593.104] (II) event4 - PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse: device is a pointer
[ 2593.105] (II) config/udev: Adding input device PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse (/dev/input/mouse0)
[ 2593.105] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[ 2593.105] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[ 2593.106] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel PCH Mic (/dev/input/event10)
[ 2593.106] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[ 2593.106] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[ 2593.106] (II) config/udev: Adding input device HDA Intel PCH Headphone (/dev/input/event11)
[ 2593.106] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[ 2593.106] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[ 2593.107] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Logitech USB Keyboard (/dev/input/event5)
[ 2593.107] () Logitech USB Keyboard: Applying InputClass “evdev keyboard catchall”
[ 2593.107] (
) Logitech USB Keyboard: Applying InputClass “libinput keyboard catchall”
[ 2593.107] () Logitech USB Keyboard: Applying InputClass “system-keyboard”
[ 2593.107] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘Logitech USB Keyboard’
[ 2593.107] (
) Logitech USB Keyboard: always reports core events
[ 2593.107] () Option “Device” “/dev/input/event5”
[ 2593.108] (II) event5 - Logitech USB Keyboard: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2593.108] (II) event5 - Logitech USB Keyboard: device is a keyboard
[ 2593.108] (II) event5 - Logitech USB Keyboard: device removed
[ 2593.131] (
) Option “config_info” “udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-1/2-1.5/2-1.5:1.0/0003:046D:C31C.0002/input/input6/event5”
[ 2593.131] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device “Logitech USB Keyboard” (type: KEYBOARD, id 12)
[ 2593.131] () Option “xkb_layout” “us”
[ 2593.132] (II) event5 - Logitech USB Keyboard: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2593.132] (II) event5 - Logitech USB Keyboard: device is a keyboard
[ 2593.133] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Logitech USB Keyboard Consumer Control (/dev/input/event7)
[ 2593.133] (
) Logitech USB Keyboard Consumer Control: Applying InputClass “evdev keyboard catchall”
[ 2593.133] () Logitech USB Keyboard Consumer Control: Applying InputClass “libinput keyboard catchall”
[ 2593.133] (
) Logitech USB Keyboard Consumer Control: Applying InputClass “system-keyboard”
[ 2593.133] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘Logitech USB Keyboard Consumer Control’
[ 2593.133] () Logitech USB Keyboard Consumer Control: always reports core events
[ 2593.133] (
) Option “Device” “/dev/input/event7”
[ 2593.134] (II) event7 - Logitech USB Keyboard Consumer Control: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2593.134] (II) event7 - Logitech USB Keyboard Consumer Control: device is a keyboard
[ 2593.135] (II) event7 - Logitech USB Keyboard Consumer Control: device removed
[ 2593.177] () Option “config_info” “udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-1/2-1.5/2-1.5:1.1/0003:046D:C31C.0003/input/input8/event7”
[ 2593.177] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device “Logitech USB Keyboard Consumer Control” (type: KEYBOARD, id 13)
[ 2593.177] (
) Option “xkb_layout” “us”
[ 2593.179] (II) event7 - Logitech USB Keyboard Consumer Control: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2593.179] (II) event7 - Logitech USB Keyboard Consumer Control: device is a keyboard
[ 2593.180] (II) config/udev: Adding input device Logitech USB Keyboard System Control (/dev/input/event8)
[ 2593.180] () Logitech USB Keyboard System Control: Applying InputClass “evdev keyboard catchall”
[ 2593.180] (
) Logitech USB Keyboard System Control: Applying InputClass “libinput keyboard catchall”
[ 2593.180] () Logitech USB Keyboard System Control: Applying InputClass “system-keyboard”
[ 2593.180] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘Logitech USB Keyboard System Control’
[ 2593.180] (
) Logitech USB Keyboard System Control: always reports core events
[ 2593.180] () Option “Device” “/dev/input/event8”
[ 2593.181] (II) event8 - Logitech USB Keyboard System Control: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2593.181] (II) event8 - Logitech USB Keyboard System Control: device is a keyboard
[ 2593.181] (II) event8 - Logitech USB Keyboard System Control: device removed
[ 2593.204] (
) Option “config_info” “udev:/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-1/2-1.5/2-1.5:1.1/0003:046D:C31C.0003/input/input9/event8”
[ 2593.204] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device “Logitech USB Keyboard System Control” (type: KEYBOARD, id 14)
[ 2593.204] () Option “xkb_layout” “us”
[ 2593.205] (II) event8 - Logitech USB Keyboard System Control: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2593.205] (II) event8 - Logitech USB Keyboard System Control: device is a keyboard
[ 2593.206] (II) config/udev: Adding input device AT Translated Set 2 keyboard (/dev/input/event6)
[ 2593.206] (
) AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: Applying InputClass “evdev keyboard catchall”
[ 2593.206] () AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: Applying InputClass “libinput keyboard catchall”
[ 2593.206] (
) AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: Applying InputClass “system-keyboard”
[ 2593.206] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘AT Translated Set 2 keyboard’
[ 2593.206] () AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: always reports core events
[ 2593.206] (
) Option “Device” “/dev/input/event6”
[ 2593.207] (II) event6 - AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2593.207] (II) event6 - AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: device is a keyboard
[ 2593.208] (II) event6 - AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: device removed
[ 2593.241] () Option “config_info” “udev:/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input4/event6”
[ 2593.241] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device “AT Translated Set 2 keyboard” (type: KEYBOARD, id 15)
[ 2593.241] (
) Option “xkb_layout” “us”
[ 2593.242] (II) event6 - AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2593.242] (II) event6 - AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: device is a keyboard
[ 2593.243] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad (/dev/input/event14)
[ 2593.243] () ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: Applying InputClass “evdev touchpad catchall”
[ 2593.243] (
) ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: Applying InputClass “libinput touchpad catchall”
[ 2593.243] () ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: Applying InputClass “touchpad”
[ 2593.243] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad’
[ 2593.243] (
) ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: always reports core events
[ 2593.243] () Option “Device” “/dev/input/event14”
[ 2593.244] (II) event14 - ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: is tagged by udev as: Touchpad
[ 2593.245] (II) event14 - ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: device is a touchpad
[ 2593.245] (II) event14 - ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: device removed
[ 2593.296] (
) Option “Tapping” “on”
[ 2593.296] (II) libinput: ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: Step value 0 was provided, libinput Fallback acceleration function is used.
[ 2593.296] (II) libinput: ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: Step value 0 was provided, libinput Fallback acceleration function is used.
[ 2593.296] (II) libinput: ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: Step value 0 was provided, libinput Fallback acceleration function is used.
[ 2593.296] () Option “config_info” “udev:/sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input10/event14”
[ 2593.296] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device “ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad” (type: TOUCHPAD, id 16)
[ 2593.297] (
) Option “AccelerationScheme” “none”
[ 2593.297] () ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: (accel) selected scheme none/0
[ 2593.297] (
) ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: (accel) acceleration factor: 2.000
[ 2593.297] () ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: (accel) acceleration threshold: 4
[ 2593.298] (II) event14 - ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: is tagged by udev as: Touchpad
[ 2593.299] (II) event14 - ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: device is a touchpad
[ 2593.299] (II) config/udev: Adding input device ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad (/dev/input/mouse1)
[ 2593.299] (
) ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: Applying InputClass “touchpad”
[ 2593.299] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad’
[ 2593.299] () ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: always reports core events
[ 2593.299] (
) Option “Device” “/dev/input/mouse1”
[ 2593.349] (II) mouse1 - not using input device ‘/dev/input/mouse1’.
[ 2593.349] (EE) libinput: ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: Failed to create a device for /dev/input/mouse1
[ 2593.349] (EE) PreInit returned 2 for “ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad”
[ 2593.349] (II) UnloadModule: “libinput”
[ 2593.350] (II) config/udev: Adding input device PC Speaker (/dev/input/event9)
[ 2593.350] (II) No input driver specified, ignoring this device.
[ 2593.350] (II) This device may have been added with another device file.
[ 2593.352] (II) config/udev: Adding input device MSI WMI hotkeys (/dev/input/event20)
[ 2593.352] () MSI WMI hotkeys: Applying InputClass “evdev keyboard catchall”
[ 2593.352] (
) MSI WMI hotkeys: Applying InputClass “libinput keyboard catchall”
[ 2593.352] () MSI WMI hotkeys: Applying InputClass “system-keyboard”
[ 2593.352] (II) Using input driver ‘libinput’ for ‘MSI WMI hotkeys’
[ 2593.352] (
) MSI WMI hotkeys: always reports core events
[ 2593.352] () Option “Device” “/dev/input/event20”
[ 2593.353] (II) event20 - MSI WMI hotkeys: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2593.353] (II) event20 - MSI WMI hotkeys: device is a keyboard
[ 2593.353] (II) event20 - MSI WMI hotkeys: device removed
[ 2593.403] (
) Option “config_info” “udev:/sys/devices/virtual/input/input21/event20”
[ 2593.403] (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device “MSI WMI hotkeys” (type: KEYBOARD, id 17)
[ 2593.403] (**) Option “xkb_layout” “us”
[ 2593.403] (II) event20 - MSI WMI hotkeys: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard
[ 2593.404] (II) event20 - MSI WMI hotkeys: device is a keyboard
[ 2597.350] (II) event3 - Power Button: device removed
[ 2597.373] (II) event13 - Video Bus: device removed
[ 2597.399] (II) event12 - Video Bus: device removed
[ 2597.436] (II) event1 - Power Button: device removed
[ 2597.449] (II) event2 - Sleep Button: device removed
[ 2597.466] (II) event4 - PixArt Microsoft USB Optical Mouse: device removed
[ 2597.500] (II) event5 - Logitech USB Keyboard: device removed
[ 2597.526] (II) event7 - Logitech USB Keyboard Consumer Control: device removed
[ 2597.554] (II) event8 - Logitech USB Keyboard System Control: device removed
[ 2597.566] (II) event6 - AT Translated Set 2 keyboard: device removed
[ 2597.579] (II) event14 - ETPS/2 Elantech Touchpad: device removed
[ 2597.606] (II) event20 - MSI WMI hotkeys: device removed

Fr here, i know my display server or display driver is broken. can anybody experienced in this aspect teach and help… thx.

Can u pls help me toruble xorg… thx