Manjaro is not for me

I have had an epiphany, Manjaro is not for me.

It’s not for everyone, indeed. Always better to stick with what works best for you.


I thought that since there was a stable branch it was a… stable branch, but no, it was not.

So it’s much better for me to change myself and not try to change everyone else.

Now I’m afraid of plasma 6.1, I lost a lot of time with plasma 6.0. I also don’t understand users who can freely get plasma 6.1 with the unstable branch, push for it to go to stable.

I’m already installing Linux Mint, although I’ll leave on some computer a Manjaro to see what happens in the future.

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Linux Mint is a good choice. I have 21.3 Xfce on one of my machines.

Mint also has a good Forum which I used to spend a lot of time on (not so much now, though I do try to visit quite regularly).

You could always run Manjaro in a virtual machine to keep an eye on progress. Just avoid setting the VM to EFI mode as I’ve had issues doing that with Manjaro and EndeavourOS VMs. (They would freeze after some short time running).

I thank you for your comments, I have not had a good experience in the forum either, my first post was hidden in an inexplicable way, and in the previous one they made me the vacuum, I insinuated that Manjaro is improvable and I think I got into a mess.

I see that there are also users with whom you can share points of view.

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Sorry to hear of these negative experiences, but it’s always worth remembering that people can be trying to fend the cat off whilst composing a post, or down the Pub (maybe to escape from the cat’s demands) and a space-invader sits there and won’t stop talking long enough for you to get a thought in edgeways let alone type, or perhaps just having a bad day.

I’m not quite sure what you mean by “vacuum” though … I guess no-one was about at the time who could help?

I don’t think many paid support people do so in these conditions! Well, maybe they are more highly stressed, but have to hide it or get the boot.

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Back on topic, I sincerely believe that Manjaro needs a really stable branch and that major kde releases require more than 6 months to be stable.

On the other hand neither plasma 6.0 nor 6.1 offer anything new worthwhile.

Dunno, if you want “really stable”, don’t go for a rolling release distro, even when it’s somewhat slowed down, as in case of Manjaro.
That aside, my personal experience with Plasma 6 was a very pleasant one so far. No comparison to Plasma 5, which was horribly bug-ridden. Of course 5 also had much bigger changes compared to 6.

Indeed the biggest issues seem to lie with nVidia - which these days is best avoided on linux anyway, imo.


I would wait few weeks to make sure we are stable
even on testing branch

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AFAIK I’ve read every post you’ve created (unless some were deleted), and it sounds like your issues come from KDE. Perhaps a more traditional DE, such as XFCE, would be better for you.

Some people don’t like to use unstable, because of the name, even though it’s the same as Arch stable. However they also don’t like to wait. :man_shrugging:

Don’t worry, they’re usually told they do have to wait…unless the devs have already decided to move it.

Actually it was explained. You didn’t provide enough information for anyone to figure out what you were talking about. When you did it was relisted, but you’d already figured it out on your own. It was only unlisted for 1 day.

You found the bug reports about your issue, and 2 workarounds, in a day or two, so you might be Manjaro material after all. :smiley:

So why not use stable then? If you do use stable then how did you experience the problems?

No idea what you mean, perhaps it’s lost in translation.

However if it was the Manjaro Immutable thread, then you weren’t treated badly at all…someone just replied to you…perhaps that was also lost in translation. :man_shrugging:

Yeah, most if not all of us. Just don’t be offended if people simply reply, or disagree.

Honestly I can’t see one time you were treated badly…the un-listing may not have been completely necessary, but it wasn’t without reason and that reason was explained.

Fair enough.


The backintime bug was reported by me on github, copied and pasted from the one that was wrong here, there it worked and was fixed, with more help here maybe sooner.

I have several computers, in some I have testing .

In any case right now I’m writing from Linux Mint, so I don’t care anymore :smiley:

Nice while it lasted.

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FYI, I’ve moved your conversation to it’s own topic. Hijacking threads is not appropriate anywhere let alone here. Please review the Forum Rules.

Sorry to see you go. :wave: