Manjaro is awesome, but I went back to Windows. This is a Thank you!

I haven’t used Windows for over 10 years now. I don’t like it and I don’t trust it. I feel safe in Linux.

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A quick search for Stream Deck reveals that it… " Stream Deck XL takes live production control to a whole new level. Seamlessly integrated with your favorite tools and platforms


Stream Deck is not compatible with Linux… not the other way around. This is the case, because the manufacturers of Stream Deck have not written Drivers for Linux, nor provided information for the Community to do so.

FYI, their ‘Help’ system is a Bot


Yeah but to use Linux Desktop like Majaro does not really require to learn Linux. I run dual boot on one pc and several other pcs and laprops are running Manjaro kde and some Kde neon. Never had issues, works just fantastic. Meanwhile iam kearning more about Linux all the time but using terminal with those distros is not a must at all, they are great for windows users switching to Linux desktop.

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There is available in the AUR an app called streamdeck-ui it is billed by the developers as “A Linux compatible UI for the Elgato Stream Deck.”

There are several articles, I haven’t read them yet, on setting it up streamdeck on Ubuntu, but I can’t find any for Manjaro.

Why not add your favorite apps in any panel or widget or the program menu (e.g. the simple menu) on KDE or other desktop environment (DE) instead using Stream Deck?

Is Stream Deck useful for any mobile devices e.g. Laptop if you want to easily take it outside? :man_shrugging:

Hey Zesko,

It’s not just launching apps. It’s functionality for applications as well. Some applications I use require me to navigate around to achieve a certain task. With Stream Deck I can do it with a push of one button. It saves a ton of time.

And to answer your second question, there’s a remote option for Stream Deck, but I don’t have it. It requires a separate purchase.

Thanks, but as I already stated above, this interface, as brilliant as it is, lacks functionality.

Thanks, I very much intend to come back to Manjaro, and very soon. My laptop doesn’t have much hardware attached to it. So I’ll get Manjaro there.

And as I stated above. StReam Deck isn’t Steam Deck. Thanks anyway.

Yeah, your wordings provide a better picture. Thanks.

The biggest problem of Linux is that the software developers are mainly developing for Windows community. Everything is optimized for Windows and thats why Linux is good and bad at the same time. It has bunch of features and stuff but Windows is just like IOS… it became a standart and we can just watch all those Linux distros knowing that one day they will be something in the past

Closing old thread. Please don’t necro bump.