Whenever I try to install Manjaro KDE Plasma by replacing an ext4 partition, both the screen and the installation freeze. The install gets stuck at the “Install Bootloader” screen at 90% about everytime, and I have no idea what to do. I also should have disabled the features of the t2 chip, and am booting via an SD card connected to a USB hub. I’ve installed xfce on a Windows laptop successfully, but can’t get it to work on my 2020 MacBook Air.16029655846471494323422|690x388
The mouse light stays on, but it won’t do anything. Also time isn’t changing.
It is a common issue on apple devices when installing grub. Grub needs a special installation: Mac - ArchWiki However… I never did such a installation and therefore can’t help you with that.
[manjaro@manjaro ~]$ mount -a [manjaro@manjaro ~]$ genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab bash: /mnt/etc/fstab: No such file or directory https://paste.pics/AG7F2
I’ve reached to https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Installation_guide#Configure_the_system, but it’s not seeing the directory. The partition should be mounted to /mnt. Is there something I’m missing? Sorry if it’s something simple.