Manjaro Gnome random freeze

2Gb can be enough for gnome if you configure it right and do only light tasks as you planned.

Do you have swap configured? If not, I recommend using a swapfile, as running out of ram is one possible cause for system freezes.

I also recommend using as few shell extensions as possible for maximum stability. Shell and gtk theme adwaita-maia can also be good for tablets, bacause of the larger titlebars.

To reduce ram usage, avoid using gnome-online-accounts and uninstall evolution-data-server. This will take gnome-calendar and geary with it, but it can about halve the idle ram usage of the desktop. Also make sure you are not using dynamic wallpaper, because it consumes about 300-400Mb ram for very little benefit.

I would start with those, and move to the actual troubleshooting of the freezes then, if the issue persists. In gnome, the solution to most problems is usually “go as vanilla as possible”.