well, i guess imma give yours a try, cause at this point i am so close to giving up to intall the manjaro gnome hahaha thanks anyway
hi there, follow ancient laptop owner hahaha cheers
the problem seems to occur not only in manjaro, i tried to run ubuntu live a year ago. and this exact problem happened. i guess our gpu is the main culprit here, as i said, ancient hahaha
whaaat ? you managed to install architect ? how come ?
pleaseee enlighten me, mate. i’m begging you
i already tried the “installing manjaro using CLI” method, failed.
“via several live boot”, failed (was aiming the kernel 515 and 54)
“building from scratch via architect”. failed attempt (i don’t even manage to make it up and running).
as for the kernel, i ever read someone posted here about the 340xx-dkms driver which is supported by the kernel 5.4, and kernel 5.4 is good enough as (what i knew) is still supported by the manjaro until now.
btw, you called your self a nooby ? i even more more way nooby bcs i can’t even make architect up and running at my laptop, and you in the other side was successfully doing that
linux54 and linux419 are still in the stable repositories and can be installed once your up and running.
Yup, so i’ve read. But the 340xx dkms (checked on the geforce driver website, geforce g105m supported by the 340.108 driver) is the driver that aimed to use.
It is said that the 340xx dkms to support kernel 5.4 - 5-10 and 4.4 - 4.19. Tried with the manjaro 18 kernel 5.4 that came with the 340xx driver, but no luck for me.
Gonna try the manjaro kernel 4.19 iso later. Rn all i need is a good sleep after the sleepless hour.
Yes, old nvidia + new linux = pain. A lot of pain.
Man, i wish i could help! However, as i said, it was more than two years ago, when support for old drivers had been provided and when architect had been stable. Architect now has serious issues that make it impossible to run and install system, something with pacman keys etc., generally it ‘hangs’ early.
Look at this thread: Architect iso install story
I will try to do that, but i don’t know if i will succeed
And i definitely recommend kernel 4.14 if you must try, not newer. EDIT: ah, i see that this kernel has been dropped too. Ok, then maybe 4.19 i will try.