Manjaro CLI Cheat Sheet

I just didnt liked the ones that showed up in google (updated, with suggestions)


Nice. :+1:

Nice work.

What about transfering this to a wiki?

If you create this as a text(-wiki) post here, anyone can access the commands directly (copy and paste), and it can be extended (if as wiki-post).

System and Screen

Display the Kernel-version

uname -r

Or if you agree, I can create it in the manjaro-wiki. (It is more beautiful there than here)


thx, ok, a wiki post sounds great,

    Locating and Installing Packages

        sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack && sudo pacman -Syyu
                                    update mirrorlist with the fastest mirrors

        pamac checkupdates -a       check if updates are available
        pamac upgrade -a            update all installed packages
        pamac search PackageName    search available packages
        pamac install PackageName   install packages
        pamac remove PackageName    uninstall packages


        du -sh ~/.cache/*           generate cache list
        find ~/.cache/ -type f -atime +100 -delete
                                    purge files not accessed in 100 days
        journalctl --disk-usage     report journal current size
        journalctl --vacuum-size=50M
        journalctl --vacuum-time=2weeks
                                    remove but recent entries by size or time
        pamac list -o               check for orphaned packages
        pamac remove -o             remove all orphans
        pamac clean --keep 3        remove all packages except the latest 3 versions

        pamac search -a PackageName 
                                    search for packages
        pamac build PackageName     build the package
    Access rights

        sudo command                executes command as root
        sudo -k                     empties password cache
        sudo visudo                 edits /etc/sudoers
        passwd                      changes user password
        chown owner:group           changes owner and group of file
        chmod permissions file      changes the file permissions
                                    to set permissions in octal mode:
                                    4 (read) 2 (write) 1 (execute)
                                    example - 755 read-write-execute for owner
                                    amd read-execute for group and others
        ls -lh [dir]                displays files and permissions [of directory]

    Files and Directories
        cd dir                      changes the working directory
        cd ..                       changes to the parent directory
        ls                          lists directory contents
        ls -a                       also lists the hidden files
        cp target file              copies the file
        cp -r target directory      copies the directory
        mv target source            move/rename target source
        rm -r dir                   removes directory recursively
        ln -s file link             removes directory recursively
        mount -t type dev path      mounts file system
        mount -o loop iso path      mounts iso image
        /home/user or ~/            home directory of user
        /etc                        directory with global configurations
        nmcli                       displays network informatio
        nmcli c                     lists wireless access points
        ufw enable                  enables the firewall [package Community: ufw]
        ufw default allow/deny      allows/denies all incoming traffic
        ufw status                  displays firewall status and rules
        ufw allow/deny port         allows/denies incoming traffic on the specified port
        ufw allow/deny from ip      allows/denies incoming traffic from specified IP address
    System and Screen
        uname -r                    displays the kernel version
        uname -a                    displays all the kernel version
        df                          reports file system disk space usage
        top                         displays system tasks
        inxi --admin --verbosity=7 --filter --width 
                                    displays system information
        pstree                      display a tree of processes
        Ctrl+Alt+F2                 switches to tty
        Ctrl+Alt+F7                 switches to the X session
        shutdown -h now             shuts the sytem down
        shutdown -r now             restarts the system

        find <st­art­ing­dir­ect­ory> <op­tio­ns> <search term>
                                    Basic structure
        find -name "­file”           Find by name
        find -iname "­file”          Find by name, ignoring CL
        find -name “*.format”       Find by format
        find -not -name "­fil­e"      Exclude a name
        find -type "­typ­e"           f:file, d:dire­ctory, l:link...
        find -empty                 Empty files and directory
        find -exec                  Find executable programs

and force refresh the packages databases (required when changing mirror), and update the system

AUR included

typo, one o added

typo, not sure what you meant there

could maybe note that it is the same as the ~/ folder (for current user)

could be confusing for people with literally a Fn key (laptops usually)

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Hello @guillopachecoifconfig’ is not installed per default on manjaro. But ‘nmcli’ should be available for everyone. :wink:

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post updated, @andreas85 wiki - CheatSheet - Manjaro

Good as info, impossible to use as desktop wallpaper (for me) cause desktop icons presence and represents recent and constant working files/folders on the Desktop.
Could be useful for users who have no working files/folders on their Desktop and have to access them in more complicated way instead of instant and having list of them constantly immediately.

Could be useful for those who have 2 monitors setup to show on second screen with no desktop icons on it.

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maybe using virtual desktops, or activities can help you with that situation, we are free now in manjaro linux.

I agree with alven. It is the same reason why i don’t like and use conky. Putting up this in the wiki is a really nice idea :+1:

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I actually have the cheatsheet as sticky notes, so i can change the wallpaper, or leave it random, theres the image, the text, the wiki… all covered

At copy and move operations source and target are in the wrong order:

cp [file] [target]


create symbolic link {{UserCmd|command=ln -s [target] [link]}}

outdated with systemd:

starts a daemon {{UserCmd|command=rc.d start [daemon]}}

stops a daemon {{UserCmd|command=rc.d stop [daemon]}}
restarts a daemon {{UserCmd|command=rc.d restart daemon}}


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Install SSL Cert in system from a file

wget && sudo cp foobar.crt /etc/ca-certificates/trust-source/anchors/ && sudo trust extract-compat

KDE Connect ports

sudo ufw allow 1714:1764/tcp
sudo ufw allow 1714:1764/udp

Others stuffs

sudo parted -l
sudo blkid
findmnt -s
efibootmgr -v

nmcli dev show
nmcli device wifi list

udisksctl loop-setup -f UDF-ISO-FILENAME.iso
udisksctl mount -b /dev/loop0

sudo fdisk -l
sudo e2label /dev/sdb1 "mydiskname"

inxi -Fxxxza --no-host

journalctl --this-boot --no-pager --no-hostname
systemd-analyze blame --no-pager

awk '{ print $1 }' /proc/modules | xargs modinfo -n | sort
rfkill list
sudo lspci -k

sudo lspci -vnnn | perl -lne 'print if /^\d+\:.+(\[\S+\:\S+\])/' | grep Control
sudo lspci -vnnn | perl -lne 'print if /^\d+\:.+(\[\S+\:\S+\])/' | grep 3D

grep -R . /sys/foo/bar
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fixed. thx!