Manjaro awesome other software

adding this here as a reminder to myself, got some feedback from a user on Monday this week, any comments?


I have been testing the image and it works really well so far. I added and removed some components that are more in keeping with the workflow of the WM

pcmanfm-qt (replaces thunar)
alacritty (replaces shipped terminal)
howl (replaces mousepad)
libvoikko (luakit dep)
nuspell (luakit dep)
hunspell(en_us for my system, luakit dep)
xcursor-maia (replaces xcursor-breeze which removes manjaro-awesome-settings)

The shipped config also defines pa-applet as the volume control, but I feel pasystray is more flexible."

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@ZeroAbility had time to check on your change requests now and building a new image now with Maia
not sure if i want to replace the other software as i think the ones picked now are good not sure about adding xscreensaver i barely use screensavers myself but tools | software that sucks less so might include that, any feedback from others? had time to check on your change requests now and building a new image now with Maia