Hello everyone,
I can’t manage to set up Manjaro as a VM in Paralells on a Mac with an M2 processor.
I downloaded “Manjaro KDE ARM Generic” and extracted the file. An *.img file was extracted. Unfortunately, Paralells 19 cannot boot from the *.img file. If I convert the *.img to an *.iso file with “dd”, Paralells cannot boot from the *.iso file either.
Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong? I am desperate. I can even install Arch Linux as an ARM variant in Paralells thanks to “archboot”. But I like Manjaro too…
When you can install Arch - then you can easily mogrify that into Manjaro.
How exactly is this possible? Is there a routine, an instruction or a script for this?
Is the system then completely replaced or only supplemented with Manjaro functions?
No - there is not - you are expected to know what you are doing.
It will require you to replace Arch Linux Arm mirror list with the Manjaro unstable branch which in turn will replace the system.
This will enable you to install kernel etc from Manjaro repos.
I have a repo which can be used to install Lxqt desktop on Arch but it can be used for Manjaro as well.
The repo is free to use and can be found at GitHub - fhdk/lxqt-kwin