Manjaro ARM Beta3 with Phosh (PinePhone)

Well, we did two releases yesterday. The new image has sha1sum: bed000027733abfa17b064661d0480ad727010ab Manjaro-ARM-phosh-pinephone-beta3-20201214.img.xz and includes all those updates.

I’ll test a proper update from Beta3 to Beta4 as we plan to push this to stable soon. However we don’t want to break userspace, so we have to figure out a proper way to switch the boot process to the new way.

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Thanks @philm - I downloaded 20201214 a few times but somehow missed that build - can confirm that it’s working great :+1:

WOW, i thought i had messed up since i did for the first time do the dd described in the upgrade messages pacman prints on screen. But apparently it was not the cause.

This is kind of ironic since it is not many days ago i bragged that i have not managed to make the phone unbootable even back when following unstable branch for a long time, and now it breaks on testing.

We are sorry that we made the phone unboot-able with some of our development releases. For the next development cycle we will call all our development images beta5-dev-DATE, so it is more clear that it is a development release.

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late bloomer here, definitely wishing to stay on a stable branch. I used the ethernet connector for the first time today and checked for updates. Connection seems to work as firefox reaches the net but I was told that my system is up to date by the software app. I was hoping some updates would improve call issues (sms works, calls connect and I can hear poor quality, but the other person cannot hear me).
cat /proc/version tells me I have the 5.9.1-4 kernel, and it looks to have been installed on Oct 18th. I am not sure if this means factory image or beta1.
At this point, to which beta do I want to upgrade (for the best call quality and most user friendly stability)? Do I do such upgrade with pacman instead of the software app (which tells me I am UTD)? I would really like to avoid messing with SD card booting for now.
Babysteps… Thanks!


I noticed, the alarm doesn’t work during deep sleep.

Yes, alarms work neither on phosh or plasma in combination with deep sleep. Does anybody know if alarms can ever work during deep sleep? I think I read somewhere that only the modem can wake up the phone/cpu when it is in deep sleep which would mean that you would have to choose between a lesser sleep mode (and shorter battery life) or no functioning alarms, calender notifications and so on. I would hope this isn’t so, can anyone confirm?

Perhaps the hw-clock can wake the system from deep sleep?

Lets hope so.

Does pinephone have a hw-clock :alarm_clock: ?

If not, the pinephone has to get a call :phone: to wake up, to be able to wake you up :bed:from deep sleep. :wink:

Yes, either that or when you press the power button. I’ve noticed if the alarm time has passed and you press the power button it starts playing immediately.

Also it would be pretty bad if when you get a call the alarm goes off simultaneously, you would have to kill the alarm before responding. Could cause all kinds of issues.

I don’t know if pinephone has a hw-clock. Having an alarm is a pretty important function so hopefully someone can figure out if it can work.

same, while using megi’s 17 pboot image. i tried running
sudo pacman -Syyu

then reboot and it breaks both manjaro phosh and manjaro plasma

after updating the os hangs on a splashscreen then loads into emergency mode leaving the os useless.

managed to flash a live img on SD following directions on the tips and tricks thread. pretty pleased with my progress. :slight_smile: That is to say, consider my question mostly answered.

Beta4 is out: