Manjaro 21.3 Ruah released!

switch to unstable please

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yes I This is good thing …

6 posts were split to a new topic: Pamac vs pacman for upgrading

Can the new iso files uploaded to Manjaro Linux - Browse Files at ?

Here is the release announcement on Distrowatch:

@Keruskerfuerst for future reference: when linking to a news article, you generally want to use the permlink for that article, instead of the top-level domain for the news site. The news article will not always be on the front page, and you still want the link to work long after it’s been bumped.



FYI: The above message appears when booting this Manjaro Live ISO, manjaro-xfce-21.3.0-220617-linux515.iso. It had not appeared in the prior ISO.

Mostly related to this: FS#74534 : [mkinitcpio] shutdown hook copy

WoW! Was waiting for this from a long time. Great work. :heart_eyes:

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Manjaro for Japanese Users

For more information
(Japanese information)
Manjaro Linux Live Environments for Japanese Users

except for CJK input-methods, what else can be done for Japanese Users? adobe-source-han-sans (源ノ角ゴシック) is supposed to be installed by default.

By the way, installing input-methods depending on location by default is good.

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Will this finally fix the scaling issue (can’t set scaling % per monitor, only for all screens) in the KDE version?

For people wanting to fine-tune their monitors, the Display & Monitor section now shows the scale factor used for each screen as well as their proper physical resolution.

… that is what you can read in the announcement of 5.24.

I see KDE didn’t fix it so one can use a lower than 100 setting if needed like you can in Windows. You know if this is still valid? Thanks

Where do you get these codenames from?

Those are Star Trek planets.


Nice…that explains the banner theming

May I ask, what software did you guys use to compose the banner?

Is a blender and inkscape workflow … Nothing very fancy.

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It looks professional though, are you the one who made it?

Hey guys! Great job on Ruah! Just wanted to let you guys know that when you try to install something to add to your appearance (widgets, icons, Plasma themes, etc.) it doesn’t work and instead says an error about “number of concurrent streams”- please put this on the priority list for the next update because many people including me cannot deal with this. Thank you so much!