KDE is working awesome!
I noticed that the installer no longer asks for which office suite to install, or none.
Instead a package, onlyoffice-desktopeditors, is installed automatically.
I prefer being prompted
I uninstalled onlyoffice-desktopeditors and installed libreoffice-still.
NOTE: This generated 22,094 messages during the install (i.e., could not get file information for…). I believe it has since been fixed.
i don’t need/want an office suite at all.
downloading 921mb,just to uninstall it a moment later:roll_eyes:
i don’t want to use the Minimal manjaro iso for a few reasons; maybe manjaro could implement a pre or post installation interactive menu to be able to choose a few software to be installed or not(browser choice,office suite,steam,Thunderbird,printing capabilities etc.).a bit like this:
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