Manjaro 21.0 Ornara released!

I’m a new user to Manjaro and wanted to verify the download from SourceForge. Following the GPG directions, there should be a .sig file to download along with the .iso. However, I haven’t seen any .sig files for the 21.0 release on SourceForge. Is there a trick I’m missing?

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The same. I think GPG is not available yet.

yup saw no SIGs only had SHA256 checksums for verification

GPG .sig files please?

Think it has something to do with the host. I’ve noticed the torrents for several projects hosted on sourceforge have disappeared lately.

I’ve done this exactly, and uncommented the line, but after reboot, grub is still a solid black background and an ugly font. The theme doesn’t show up. Any suggestions?

Do you have grub-theme-manjaro installed? Did you update grub after you uncommented it?

Can you please clarify where and how you did this? I’m facing the same issue.

I had forgotten that tiny detail. It’s up and running now. Thanks!

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

At the end of ‘grub cmdline linux default’ add ‘console=tty3’

Save and exit nano or ur text editor

sudo update-grub

Hello everyone!

I noticed that in version 21.0 Ornara the parameter:


It is automatically identified in grub, I had problems with this in version 20.x


T+ = So long

Thank you for your help.

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What happend to Architect? Can’t find it anymore.

Hi @2021,

It has beeen dropped for now.

I am the only one who started to see a white screen after the update and the icons disappear? And also the programs I click on don’t open
Only today 2 times already it was like this

I don’t know if this is related to the new release or not, but in Firefox I can’t drag tabs to the desktop to create new windows.
I’m on GNOME + Wayland.

I can confirm this also happened to me.


With the full/normal iso the fsck msg during boot is hidden by default but that’s not the case with the minimal iso.

A post was split to a new topic: Problems with Pipewire

I have two screens and it works for me. But a usual your mileage may vary. Sorry but no answer for your problem. I open the new tab then drag it.